Sexy Teacher Tiffany Shepherd's Bikini Photo's
- Fired over bikini pics, right or wrong?? You decide!!...
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Best of The Weekly World News
- Oh how we miss that black and white tabloid gold!!
Dance Party Friday - Rap
- This had to be a really slow news day.
Child Molester
- This accused child molester claims that he too was...
Hilarious Sport's Highlight
- I think all news reports should be reenacted with...
Haiti News
- I don't know why this is funny, but it is.
Naked Thief
- Somehow, I don't think he thought his brilliant plan...
Reporter VS Sledders
- This reporter gets a little too close to the action.
News Truck Drag Race
- These rival channels decided to settle their...
Anchor VS Reporter
- A news anchor gets into a humorous argument with one...
Car Wash Child Abuse
- A mother is caught by a surveillance camera spraying...
Real Life Laser Cannon
- Watch as a reporter volunteers to be the victim of a...
Good Sex
- I wonder what this guy is thinking about.
Bill O'Reilly
- Bill O'Reilly gets mad because of offensive...
Blow Energy Drink
- A news report on a new energy drink that is powdered...
Birds VS Reporter
- I think everyone saw part 1 of this blooper coming,...
Will Ferrell Crashes Show
- Will Ferrell crashes a live showing of "Power Lunch".
Palestinians Shoot At News Crew
- Palestinian terrorists open fire on a news crew. ...
News Reporter Hit With Tear Gas Can
- CNN reporter, Zain Verjee, hit in the back with a tear...
Party Kid's Glasses
- The kid who threw the huge party (Corey Delaney) is...
Corey Delaney Interview
- Yet another interview with the party kid from...
10 Years Ago, This Kid Threw The Most Epic Of Parties...
- Classic: This guy (Corey Delaney) threw a massive...
News Blooper
- If only this clip had turned into a cat fight, then it...
Were You Spanked As A Child?
- I don't know why the first anchor even asked this...
News Souljah Boy
- A female news anchor does the moronic "Souljah Boy"...
News Building Hit
- Check out the anchorman's hilarious reaction when his...
Surgery Gone Wrong
- This news anchor just can't keep a straight face as a...
Fox News Racism
- Can you do that on TV?
Tracy Morgan
- Who thought it was a good idea to invite Tracy Morgan...
TV Blooper
- You couldn't time this video malfunction better if you...
CNN Dishonest Reporting?
- CNN interview of John Cena makes it appear as though...
Meth Couple Freezes
- This couple froze to death while on meth because they...
Kevin Smith Protests Dogma
- A great news clip of director Kevin Smith protesting...
Halloween news Prank
- You have to love live news pranks.
AT&T Sucks
- This couples house burned down and AT&T charged them...
Phantom Pooper
- No matter how bad you have it, at least someone isn't...
News Freudian Slip
- It's easy to see what's on her mind.
Monster Mayor
- We know police brutality isn't funny, but check out...
Hooker With Kids
- A hooker brings her kids to work with her. She is...
Kevin Everett Moves
- Somebody got fired over this, but it had to be totally...
eBaum's Picks