Desperate 911 Call from Teen Floating In Ocean After...
- A paddleboarder is saved thanks to the waterproof...
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Oceanic Badass Pets Humongous Great White on the Nose
- We have another man, well-endowed with an indifference...
Giant Squid Attacks Surfers Chilling in Open Water
- It's all fun and games until you're dragged to the...
Rapper Gets Blasted for Literally Flushing Thousands...
- Rapper Kodak Black chose to casually throw nearly...
Immense Great White is Covered in Battle Scars
- This shark has lived the hell out of its life.
Orca Slaps the Ever-Loving S**t Out of a Sting Ray
- We don't know what that stingray did to piss off that...
Ship Cook Tries Cooking During Sea Storm, Gives Up
- We feel for you, buddy.
28 Photos Proving Nature Is Awesome and Terrifying
- Nature is absolutely insane, but it's also really...
Fishing Trawler Gets Tossed around like a Toy in Rough...
- Scottish fishing vessels Audacious facing rough seas...
Toxic Waste Dump Site Twice the Size of Manhattan...
- A massive underwater toxic waste site has long been...
Researchers Catch Glimpse of Elusive Giant Squid
- We know they exist, but we've had very little luck in...
Strange Looking Creature Captured Transforming on...
- Amazing ROV footage (remotely operated vehicle) of a...
60 Foot Wave Smashes into Warship Near Antarctica
- During a patrol search against illegal fishing of...
21 Stunning Photos of Marine Life That Won Awards
- Life is so beautiful under the sea.
Insane Royal Navy Boat Exercise In Violent Storm at Sea
- Navy patrol boat facing some big waves and extreme...
Why Microsoft Left Several Servers on the Ocean Floor...
- One day, all our servers may live underwater.
Woman Gets Served Ocean Justice for Being Too Dumb
- The water straight up said 'No.'
Kimball Crew on a Swim Call Encounter a Shark While in...
- Petty Officer 1st Class Samuel Cintron, a maritime...
People Film as they Watch 10 Waterspouts over the Gulf...
- Some boates capture a truly wild sight as the witness...
Daughter Attempts to Throw her Mother's Ashes into the...
- Nothing like showering yourself in the memories of...
Daring Dude Documents His Journey from Los Angeles to...
- This video documents the 27 days alone at sea aboard...
19 Things the World Is Ready to Get Rid of ASAP
- When the world gets too full we gotta purge a few...
Shark Dives down and Swallows an Octopus Whole in...
- The owner of Nico Dives Cool Bali captured the wild...
Great White Shark Kills Itself While Attacking Cage...
- WARNING: Disturbing imagery. A sad day for the shark...
Good Guy Shark Saves His Friend From Drowning While...
- If a shark gets flipped upside down it is incapable of...
Overly-Sensitive Police Officer Tases the Dude Who...
- This cop looks like he's looking for an excuse to...
YouTuber Mark Rober Finds Out Just How Sensitive...
- YouTuber/scientist Mark Rober wanted to see if the...
27 Beach Fail Stories Just in Time for Summer
- Have a laugh at these unfortunate people from the...
Sexy Beach Shoot Goes Wrong When Model Gets Knocked...
- She learned the hard way that the ocean gives zero...
Giant Sea "Bugs" Eat an Alligator on the Ocean Floor
- Scientists sink a dead alligator in the Gulf of...
Everything You Didn't Know About Aircraft Carriers
- The ins and outs of how these cities at sea work.
First Known Footage of Rare Angler Fish Pair is Gross...
- The video was captured at a depth of 800 meters by...
Witnesses Watch Fighter Jet Crash Off the Coast of...
- Thankfully the pilot survived the incident but is in...
Heroes Free Whale from 1,000-Pound Fishing Net
- While diving, these guys noticed a whale calf jumping...
25 Monstrous Finds from One Russian Deep-Sea Fisherman
- Nature is pretty freaky and these deep-sea organisms...
Absolutely Bizarre Deep Sea 'Gulper Eel' Looks Totally...
- This is the first footage of this amazing creature...
Great White Shark Steals Fisherman's Catch
- A man was filming my brother reeling in a striped bass...
Girl Freaks Out as an Orca Swallows a Seal Right in...
- Sydney Romanyshyn considers orcas her worst fear, and...
America's Most Haunted Bodies of Water
- As you hit the road on your summer vacation, you might...
This Video of Garbage Washing Ashore is Sad and...
- This was taken in Manila Bay, Philippines, on August...
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