Homemade PVC Water Bazooka Fail
- Careful with that thing, you'll put your eye out!
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23 Gifs of People Who Screwed up Big Time
- Some extremely painful and epic fails, presented in...
Ledge Flip Landing Fail
- Another one bites the dust... literally.
A Painful Snowmobile Accident in Sweden
- A broken forearm and 3rd degree burns.
BMX Trick Ends With A Painful Fail
- Better just stick to riding for now...
Soccer Fan Receives A Headshot
- I bet that hurt!
SUV Takes Out Guy On Motorcycle
- A U-turn can be the wrong turn!
Flaming Torch Juggler Fails
- If you play with fire, you're going to get burned!
Russian Man Walks Directly Into Tram
- When crossing the street look infront of you, not...
2 For 1: Double Biker Fail
- An order of road rash for two, coming right up!
Toronto Mayor Gets A Face Full Of Camera
- Talk about getting up close and personal!
Girl Falls Off Bike And Gets Stuck On Tire
- Talk about a major case of road rash!
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Skater Gets A Painful Lesson About Traffic
- Remember kids, always look both ways before crossing...
How Not To Mount A Horse
- An awkward amateur cowboy tries to get on a horse. it...
Spring Break Beach Backflip Fail
- A mouth full of sand for this blonde bimbo!
Trampoline Fail
- He should have quit when he was ahead!
Breaking The Ice Fail
- A big piece of ice hanging over a cliff... who could...
Breaking The Ice Fail
- A big piece of ice hanging over a cliff... who could...
Sickest Crash In History!!
- I can't believe he survived that.
How Not To Cross A Creek
- A painful faceplant into cold water!
Fitness Drill Faceplant
- An exercise routine turns ugly!
Derpy Bumbling Burglary Fail
- A suspect tries to break into a store, and fails...
Ice Skater Has A Brutal Faceplant
- A seemingly simple jump ends up with a rough landing!
Hey Dylan: Watch Out!
- Face, meet exercise ball!
Brutal Self Inflicted Nutshot
- Ah, natural selection at work!
Brutal Self Inflicted Nutshot
- Ah, natural selection at work!
Brain Freeze Contest Ends in Pain For One
- Four people start the competition, one "quits" early...
Skater Falls During A Grind
- He got introduced to the pointy end of the step!
BMX Drop In Fail
- A good attempt and hilarious fail.
Crazy Beer Pong Dunk
- Off the roof, through the table, nothing but cup!
Monday Morning Randomness
- Cure your post Saint Paddy's Day hangover with some...
720 Backflip Fail
- He nails the landing... with his head!
4 Wheeler Crashes Into Cow
- That cow should have moooooved!
How Not To Do A Wall Flip
- He got pretty far for not even having touched the wall!
Wannabe Ninja Owns Himself
- Seemed like a bad idea from the start...
Stung By A Wasp, Boat To The Head
- A wasp stings a guy in the shop and causes him to bang...
Testing A Bullet Proof Vest in the Hood
- A painful lesson in body armor and bullets.
Rugby Referee Breaks His Leg
- He got caught up in the play and suffers a nasty...
Dog Whisperer Gets Owned
- Takes it like a champ though.
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