Hurdle Jumping Fail
- He's singing soprano after that!
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Monday Morning Randomness
- Start Thanksgiving week off with some randomness!
Football Player Suffers Gruesome Finger Injury
- Pretty sure fingers aren't supposed to look like...
Guy Gets A Car Key Stuck In His Foot
- Everyday is a surprise!
Tree Trimming Fail
- This didn't look like a good idea from the beginning!
Speeding Biker Forgets About Speed Bumps
- He gets some major road rash!
Mega Wedgie On Field Goal Post
- Revolutionizing bullying everywhere.
Soccer Player Kick To The Chest
- This is Sparta!
Jumping Through A Swing Goes Wrong
- Adults should not play on children sized play sets...
Jumping Through A Swing Goes Wrong
- Adults should not play on children sized play sets...
Jeep Jump 2x4 Nutshot
- The poor man's vasectomy!
Red Bull Astronaut Stunt
- I guess Red Bull does NOT give you wings!
Water Bottle Rocket Launch Fail
- Remember those science experiments in school that...
BMX Double Backflip Crash
- This is no time for a dirt nap!
Awning Rail To The Face
- Instant Karma!
Awning Rail To The Face
- Instant Karma!
Nitro Circus Crash Montage
- Here are some painful stunts attempted by the crew.
Kid Tries To Jump Over His Friend
- Ouch, scissored right in the back!
Yo-Yo Trick Gone Wrong
- He walked-the-dog... right into his left eye!
Check Your Mirrors Before Changing Lanes
- Or endure the consequences!
Tar and Feather Nutshot Prank
- Adding insult to injury!
Taxco 2012 Wipeouts
- The best bails from the Taxco competition in Mexico.
Backyard Gymnast Fail
- Next time make sure you have enough space...
Skater Lands On His Head
- I guess you could say his nickname is Crumplestiltskin.
Volleyball Takes Out Player And Spectator
- After hitting the player, the ball trips up a student.
Sledding Tow Wipeout
- This looks extremely painful!
Wrestler Diehard Botches Move
- His new name should be DerpHard...
Wrestler Diehard Botches Move
- His new name should be DerpHard...
Backflip At The Playground
- Well at least he got half way around..
Thomas Robinson Throws A Brutal Elbow
- Is the NBA turning into the MMA?
Roof To Pool Jump
- Nice back-flop bro!
Another Treadmill Stunt Gone Wrong
- If there is a camera and a treadmill, there will be...
Skier's Backflip Fail
- Face sufficiently planted!
Soccer Player Throws Ball At Opponents Face
- Not once...but twice!
Airplane Hits Car During Landing
- I bet the passengers in the plane need a change of...
Grandma's Hopscotch Incident
- Hey kids, watch while granny busts her kneecaps.
Parkour Done Wrong
- Hopefully Parkour is here to stay because I love the...
Arm Wrestling Tendon Rupture
- Oh Snap!
Clumsy Skater Fail
- Great foot work!
Harsh Kick To The Face
- Lights Out!
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