29 Sci-Fi Plant Chambers for a Green Apocalypse
- Finally a way to grow weed in your bomb shelter.
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24 Incredibly Interesting Photos From Our Amazing World
- It should be no surprise that this rock floating...
They Gave a Machete to a Plant
- Welp it's official. Plants have been weaponized.
27 Interesting Images from Our Amazing World
- Sit back and relax and enjoy this batch of...
24 Things That Should Be Obvious and We're Tired of...
- We spend a fair amount of our lives explaining...
25 Disappointing Things We Keep Going Back To
- You'd think life would be simple. If something sucks,...
16 Wild Facts that Might Shatter Your Perspective
- There's no doubt the world is truly an amazing and...
34 Dope-A** Things People Found in the Wild
- Take a walk outside. You never know what you're going...
Pitcher Plant Absolutely Devours Rodent, Leaves Crumbs...
- These pitcher plants in California have the ability to...
Dude Gets Coworkers to Stop Dumping Stuff on His Desk,...
- Definitely a pretty clever way to use plants as...
Pornhub Is Trying To Save Bees In The Most Pornhub Way
- Pornhub comes out to release a brand new category of...
Undercover Cop Attempts to Solicit Drugs On Facebook...
- He saw the post and showed up to sell some flowers but...
Corpus Christi Police Destroyed 400 "Pot Plants" Only...
- An embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless...
600 Weed Plants Found at Home Daycare
- Police discovered over $1 Million dollars worth of...
Girl On Rollerblades Faceplants Into Sand
- Her boyfriend just watches it unfold, and keeps the...
15 Unusual Things Spotted In Nature
- Strange animals, odd flora, weird weather, and more!
Landlord Steals And Burns Tenants Medical Marijuana...
- Landlord steals his tenants medial marijuana plants...
17 Flowers Disguised As Something Else
- Orchids can often resemble a wide array of other...
21 Sex In Nature Pics
- 21 pictures of Earth porn, tree sex, vagina flowers,...
The Coolest Nature Video Ever
- An awesome video showcasing the wonders of nature.
Plants You've Never Seen Before
- Damn nature, you weird!
Macro Photography
- Cool close up shots.
Most Realistic Use of Computer Graphics Ever
- If these actually existed I'm sure it would put...
Accidental Genital
- Things that are supposed to look like some things but...
Little Kid On Bike Face Plants
- Wow, that other kid was a dick.
Chick Face Plants Off Swing!
- Oh yeah, it's a record breaker thats for sure.
Girl Plants Her Face on a Desk
- A Class Video Turns Hilarious.
Roadside Marijuana in Nepal
- Why couldn't it be like this all over the planet?
Intelligent Plants
- Pretty interesting video on how plants react when...
Cop Plants Drugs on Suspect
- A cop is caught on his own dash cam planting drugs on...
eBaum's Picks