Conan and Colbert Tell Two Versions of the Same Story
- Conan and Colbert both claim the other pooped himself...
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$1 Million NYC Apartment Building Is the Biggest Crap...
- The best part is the owners are accepting cash only.
Amber Heard's Turd Photos Finally Released to the...
- Finally we get to see the turd.
Men Are Using Period Pads To Soak Up Their 'Gooch...
- 'Gooch grease' is now unfortunately part of the Oxford...
Hungover Guy Poops the Bed after One-Night Stand and...
- Who's baking brownies in here?
Guy Sneaking a Poop Gets Caught and Has to Pick it up...
- This man thought he was exempt from the log, but he...
Dude Gets Revenge on OCD Neighbor Who Threatened His...
- Revenge done right.
When Pooping In A Store Is NOT A Victimless Crime
- This nasty woman may be the most disgusting thing...
Chimp Throws His Poop And Creams An Old Lady
- You got to give it to him, it's pretty remarkable aim!
Chimp Throws His Poop And Creams An Old Lady
- You got to give it to him, it's pretty remarkable aim!
22 Servings Of Nope That Will Make You Cringe
- Not so average situations normal people would avoid at...
Hilarious UNICEF PSA Urges Indian People To Not Poop...
- Because the best way to stop street shitting in India...
Owl Leaves Friend Nasty Parting Gift
- Maybe to owls this is a kind gesture.
Electric Fence Butt Shock Stunt
- This idea went from bad to crappy... literally!
Opie's Elevator -Bob Saget
- Family friendly tv host and stand-up comedian Bob...
Don't Jump In The Pool After Eating
- Spalding...no!
When am I Gonna Poop
- quit eating all the cheese, and you'll poo just fine
Poo Cannon
- A dry-ice cannon loaded with the freshest pile in the...
Elephant Eats Da Poo Poo
- Elephant analingus
Auto Tune Da Poo Poo
- It's smooth like ice cream.
Pooch Poops On Field During Game
- Look at that little guy go....no stage fright here!
Poo Pants
- Ok, this is weird and trippy.......WTF.
Teacher Sends 5 Yr Old Boy Home with Bag of Poo
- She was considerate enough to write a note on the poo...
Pig Poo Power
- Flying pigs can power our planet. Catch the poo and...
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