Apple Banned Fortnite From the App Store. Fortnite...
- The famous 1984 Apple TV commercial just went full...
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Dude Serves Buddy With Fake Paternity Suit to End...
- Instead of a long, increasingly-elaborate prank war,...
Woman Who Laughs like Chewbacca Suffers Chewbacca...
- She claimed this was a childish way to end their...
Trusting Coworker Falls For Sneaky Measuring Tape Prank
- This poor dude thought his buddies was going to show...
Kellyanne Conway's Daughter Is Trolling Her Mom as a...
- "Smelly Kelly" isn't a great nickname but it's better...
Dude Sends a Risky Text to His Girlfriend in Front of...
- Judging from the father's reaction, dude better start...
Elevator Repairman Teaches Impatient Karen a Lesson
- What is with Karens and thinking they know better than...
Class Clowns Enjoy Senior Skip Day Despite Teacher's...
- Everyone's had that one teacher who was just a...
Guy Spends Whole Summer Trolling Friend as 'Boyardee...
- He even got an accomplice by the end of it!
Girl's Brilliant Revenge Against Messy Roommates Gets...
- Now that's what I call a teachable moment.
Guy Uses Malicious Compliance to Change Mom's Rule...
- This is the best kind of revenge prank - one where...
Triplets Play a Prank That Leaves Drive Thru Workers...
- These people had a glitch in their brain after they...
Mom Pranked with "Toy Story 3" Ending Where All the...
- Amazing the difference a simple cut can do.
Band Finds Brilliant Way to Troll Idiots Who Yell...
- There's one at every show.
Gummy Bear Wall "Prank" Is Cringe Comedy at Its Worst
- Couples who fake prank each other are the most...
27 Pranks That Might Bring Couples Closer to Divorce
- These geniuses are really nailing the whole marriage...
Guy Accidentally Gets Himself Nut-shotted With His...
- What was supposed to be a smack on the ass turned into...
34 Times People Took Things Way Too Literally
- Just because you did exactly what was asked of you...
Indian Police Put Quarantine Breakers in Ambulance...
- I can't decide if this is a genuinely good "scared...
This Guy Forgot His Camera Was On During an Online...
- Always check if your camera is on!
Guy Walks Right into a Perfectly Executed Booby Trap
- This unsuspecting sap gets a two for one special in...
Angry Teacher Zoom Pranked by Famous Meme YouTuber
- Popular meme figure TwoMad posted one of the funniest...
Funny Edit of a Fast Food Commercial That Makes It a...
- Just when we thought Burger King commercials couldn't...
Guy Trolls His Math Teacher Playing "Tequila" on a...
- Remember when we were allowed to gather in large...
Dad Plays The Classic "Egg Prank" on His Daughter
- His laugh at the end makes him seem like kind of a...
Dude Spots a Cop and a Huge Puddle and Takes His Shot
- An officer casually walking down the sidewalk gets...
Guy Boards Airplane With Fart Machine in His Pants,...
- Dude just walks around ripping fake beefers all over...
Guys Prank Their Coworker With The Hilarious "Airplane...
- This guy was promised he'd feel like he's flying like...
Evil Genius Photoshops Waldo Out of 'Where's Waldo?'...
- This is just pure, pure evil.
YouTuber Pulls off the Troll of a Lifetime by Flying...
- Josh Pieters pranked far right British commentator...
Video of a Dude Trying to Trick His Girlfriend is...
- Can you follow the cup?
Cruel Lady Pranks Her Boyfriend with Some Pudding and...
- I'd have just got it amputated at that point. A woman...
Reporter's Colleagues Prank Her with a "Deadly Drop...
- An ITV News correspondent is the talk of the town - or...
Dude Pranks Parents with Fake Tattoo, They Can Barely...
- They were NOT happy he got inked.
Putting Fake Magazine Covers in the Checkout Line
- Ross and his brother made some hilarious and...
The Most Cringe Inducing Moments from Impractical...
- Punishments and challenges that will make you wince ...
Wife Pranks Her Husband by Photoshopping a Coyote Into...
- This wife took it upon herself to get her hubby's...
Dog-In-The-Road Trick Video is a Mean Prank to Play On...
- Whoever made this is a jerk, but now you can send it...
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