Should You care About Internet Privacy?
- Companies use your information, photos, and more to...
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Nerd - A Public Service Announcement
- A real nerd explains why you're not a nerd.
Kid Snippets "Safety Assembly"
- A safety meeting according to kids...
Dumb Ways To Die (In Video Games)
- A look at the annoying, frustrating and dumbest ways...
Stealth PSA
- You think it's one of those stupid "beauty tips"...
Upper Class Children's Fund PSA
- For just pennies a day, you too can help a spoiled,...
Bike Lanes
- Little movie about a ticket this guy got for riding...
8-bit Safe Sex PSA
- Maybe if I had watched this 20 years ago I wouldn't...
Mr. W
- is so misunderstood.
Great Parenting Tips
- They are never too young to learn respect
Everybody Is On Cocaine
- Yes, even you!
1970s Swine Flu PSA
- No one is groovy enough to escape Swine Flu!!
PSA - "Bad Videos"
- Please do whatever this PSA tells you to do. Or not...
PSA - Disease
- A PSA for people who suffer from this terrible disease.
And Now You Know...PSA
- Please don't be racist in elevators.
Willy Mays PSA
- Willy Mays does a PSA for blasting caps. Now remember...
Really Creepy Sex Abuse PSA
- This is just awkward.
- Get Religion For Your Brain Today! You'll Be...
- Want to ruin your planet? Then order today!
Drink Responsibly - Shocking New PSA
- Finally, a message that kids will relate to.
Canadian Safety Ad
- Check out another one of the crazy Canadian ads...
Talk To Your Kids PSA
- You don't want your kids hearing about The Rusty...
Disturbing PSA
- This PSA from Canada might be taking it just a little...
Picture a Day
- Buckle up for the latest "Picture a Day" video, this...
G.I. Joe PSA: Dance
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Fire Alarm
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: I Just Wanna Ride My Motorcycle
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Mr. LaFitte
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: 1,2,3...Errrr...
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA - Help Computer
- Classic: Stop all the downloading.
G.I. Joe PSA: Reggae
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Carnival
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Skier
- G..I Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Nosebleed
- G.I. Joe PSA's
Porkchop Sandwiches - Gi Joe PSA
- CLASSIC: Check out one of the best redubbed G.I. Joe...
G.I. Joe PSA: Body Massage
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Fire On Your Sleeve
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Kids Fry
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Slip
- G.I. Joe PSA's
G.I. Joe PSA: Israeli Jet Fighters
- G.I. Joe PSA's
eBaum's Picks