This House in Ireland Appears to be Haunted
- Lots of weird things have been happening inside this...
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Man Shares His Findings After Exploring Mysterious Hole
- Bless all brave explorers.
Passenger Films As His Plane Goes Down
- He is surprisingly calm to see fire coming out of the...
Assassination is Botched in this Shocking Video
- Police are hunting a gunman seen shooting an alleged...
Passengers Had Their Butt Cheeks Clenched As Pilot...
- You know they had to shampoo some seats after that...
Massive Grizzly Makes it Clear to Hikers That Nature...
- It took so much to keep their cool.
Home Invaders Firing Guns at Teenagers is Straight out...
- Cops are still looking for suspects from the...
Father and Son Dangle Precariously Over a Massive...
- This guy was enjoying a day at Gatorland in Orlando,...
Newly Declassified Nuclear Test Video will Horrify You...
- This test from the 50's was just uncovered from a...
Massive 14 Foot Alligator Eats a Smaller Gator
- Visitors to Lake Apopka witnessed quite the spectacle...
Thousands of Crabs Covering the Ocean Floor is a...
- This is what nightmares are made of.
36 Strange Pics for People Who Like it Weird
- Feed yourself a well deserved dish of WTF.
Plane Crash Leaves One Miraculous Survivor
- The FAA said the pilot reported a landing gear issue...
This Headless Rattlesnake is Still Alive and Angry
- This guy was working on his farm when he noticed a...
Baseball Game Interrupted by Small Plane's Fiery Crash
- Fans in attendance rush to help those on boards. All...
Mutant Fish Will Lead You Down a Rabbit Hole
- The story made people nervous and fascinated, but is...
25 Extremely WTF Pics From History
- From the stranger side of history.
Woman Finds Unexpected Freak of Nature
- This looks like the beginning of a horror movie.
25 WTF Images to Make You Cringe and Possibly Lose...
- Acquire nightmares with these 25 "what the fuck?" gems.
Terrifying Footage of Total Creep Stalking a Car,...
- From the driver: "At approximately 1:08 AM I was...
Terrifying Windstorm Quickly Turns Into A Real...
- Porta-potty gets swept into the air and rains down...
Terrifying Windstorm Quickly Turns Into A Real...
- Porta-potty gets swept into the air and rains down...
Terrifying Accident Shows the Importance of those...
- You may never notice bollards, but they might save...
Two Men Witness a Checmical Plant on Fire Suddenly...
- When a fire takes a turn for the worst. Explosion...
Biker's Helmet Saves His Life in a Way He Never...
- This was almost his last ride and a very gnarly scene.
Brooklyn Mom Gets Turnt on Fellow Subway Passenger
- This mom don't take no shit sitting down.
16 Vintage Photos That Are Just Plain Disturbing
- An odd collection of black and white photos that will...
Infested Gas Station is One to Drive Away From
- This gas station in Louisiana has been completely...
That Moment in Sea of Thieves When Shit Hits The Fan
- Moments like these are what make video games great.
23 Pics That Are As Strange As They Are Funny
- These images are way past memes.
Cat Hangs on for Dear Life on Top of Van on Freeway
- A cat clings to the roof of a van going over 60mph....
Terrified Security Guard Working Alone Films An Eerie...
- A security guard keeping watch over an empty soccer...
21 Disturbing Pics and Drawings That Will Creep The...
- Pics that will come back to haunt you when the lights...
Helicopter Crashes Right in Front of Wedding Ceremony
- A chopper goes down at a vineyard in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
22 Bone Chilling Facts To Keep You Up At Night
- Make sure you don't read these before bed.
Security Guard Risks His Life When a Live Grenade is...
- A brave security guard jumps into action after he...
Guy Rock Climbing Gets Passed By A Free Climber...
- He better not lose his grip or it's all over!
11 Creepy Stories Kids Have Told Their Parents
- Kids say the darnest and damn near creepiest things...
6 Sea Monsters You Should Be Glad Are Extinct
- These beasts are made of nightmares.
Insane Airborne View of that Lava Flow Headed Toward a...
- Folks on the Big Island of Hawaii weren't sure the...
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