This Seagull Keeps Stealing from a Corner Store
- How do you trespass a seagull?
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Streamer Gets Attacked by Seagulls and Has Food Stolen...
- It can be hard to enjoy food in public.
Seagull Lands Three Sick Backflips in a Row
- Who says animals can’t have fun?
Seagull Couldn't Care Less About Hungry Shark
- This seagull couldn't care less that a huge hungry...
Poor Girl Gets Smacked in the Face by a Seagull on the...
- While launching on the infamous slingshot ride a bird...
Man Plucks Seagull Out of Air While Eating McDonalds
- The seagulls will simply return with even more...
Seagull Nabs Some Jerk's Go-Pro
- He put granola on it. He kind of had this coming.
Curious Seagull Steals Girl's Cellphone
- Mine! Mine! Mine!
Golfer's Awful Drive Kills A Seagull
- I guess you can call that a course hazard...
29 Perfectly Timed Moments
- When it comes to a good photo, timing is everything.
Images From Smithsonian's Contest
- 20 Amazing photos from the Smithsonian's photo contest...
Seagull Sucked Into Motorcycle
- Jorge Lorenzo has to make a pit stop after a seagull...
Kamikaze Seagull
- Incoming!
Seagull Steals Camera
- While recording a San Francisco sunset.
Dude Hides Under Sand to Catch Seagull
- Gains Instant Credibility.
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