Dude Wakes Up to Stranger In His Bed After Hotel...
- Morning after regrets are a whole lot worse after...
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Woman in Tears after Stranger Follows Her For 15 Miles...
- This woman finds herself in a tense situation after...
This 400ft Tall Halloween Drone Light Show Is Truly...
- Every show blows my mind. The work that goes into...
Stranger Says ‘Smile, It Could Be Worse’ F**ks...
- Also stop telling strangers to smile, it's f**king...
Home Alone Stories That Are Scary AF
- There is always something spooky about being home...
24 People Share Chance Encounters that Ended Up Being...
- This collection of wholesome and uplifting photos is...
Dude Gets Baby Announcement From Wrong Number, Brings...
- This wrong number had an entirely wholesome ending.
Woman Hurls a Compost Bin at a Random Car in...
- Take that, stranger!
Challenging Random Strangers To A Water Gun Fight Is...
- We all need more of this spontaneous joy in our lives.
Random Stranger Interrupts Asian Funeral To Rant About...
- This has got to be the worst funeral speech of ALL...
Son Begs Dad Not To Call Cops On Black Man, He Does It...
- Wesley Michel was just waiting for a friend when this...
The New Stranger Things 3 Official Trailer is Finally...
- One summer can change everything. Stranger Things is...
David Hopper From Stranger Things Wins The Internet
- When a fan asked to take their senior pictures with...
12 Encounters That Prove Celebrities Are Just like the...
- These people ran into very famous people and were...
Man Finds Naked Tweaker Girl in House
- Man returns to empty rental property to find a naked...
Stranger Things Cast Answer the Web's Most Searched...
- Gaten Matarazzo and Joe Keery take the WIRED...
Guy Tries To Scare His Girlfriend Coming Out Of Public...
- What could go wrong?
Stranger Things Season 2 Trailer Released At Comic...
- Halloween is just around the corner and we have...
Dog Hating Asian Woman Goes Around Kicking People's...
- Damn, this woman is nuts! She kicked two dogs and...
Confused Mom Absolutely Refuses To Believe She's...
This Bizarre Nude Claymation Video Feels Like a...
- Your daily dose of wtf did I just watch! Thank us...
Stranger Things Theme Song Performed Live
- Performed by the songs author, Luke Million, in his...
Holy Shit! 'Stranger Things' Season 2 Trailer Is Here!
- Released during the Superbowl! The second season of...
Guy Minding Own Business Busts Insane Dance Moves On...
- Random dude busts a funny groove.
Best Buy Employees Buy a WiiU for a Boy That Comes in...
- After these Best Buy employees noticed that this kid...
Killer Clown With Ax Terrorizes The Wrong Stranger
- He quickly discovers it's not much fun being the...
This 'Stranger Things' And 'Peanuts' Mashup Is Super...
- Someone thought it would be a good idea to mashup a...
SNL Gives Us A Hilarious Sneak Peek At 'Stranger...
- SNL introduces Lucas' parents as they try to put a...
Chillest Australian Dude Ever Gives a Personal...
- Absolute bro!
Douche Gets Instant Karma After Calling Woman A Slut
- An angry feminist in the background delivers some...
A Random Act Of Kindness From A Stranger To A Waitress
- A customer left this note and tip for his waitress.
Stranger Rescues Man From Burning House
- A random stranger rushes in to save a women's father...
When Asking For Her Number Goes Wrong
- That will be the last woman he hounds for a phone...
Mom Teaches Daughter About Strangers
- A cute little girl gets a life lesson from mom.
Australian Stranger Saves Little Girl's Life
- Faith in Humanity Restored!
A Ball Pit And Two Complete Strangers
- This is an interesting way to meet a new friend.
Stranger Danger Vs Ice Cream
- Wanna bite?
Man and Goose Form Odd Friendship
- Goose and man fall in love in the park, cute or weird?
eBaum's Picks