Dude Records Himself Hiding in the Bathroom During...
- Sweden is currently reeling from its deadliest mass...
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Swedish Water Park Explosion Is Like a Scene Out of...
- Though water parks may be all about water, one Swedish...
The Most Stereotypical Person From 20 Random Countries
- The world is a vast place with all different types...
The Internet Can't Believe Swedish People Don't Feed...
- A recent post on Reddit brought to light a strange...
Security Guard Calmly Dominates Two Ruffians With...
- A classic clip that has bubbled up once again shows a...
25 Countries Reimagined As Party Guests
- Every country has a different party culture. Some go...
Woman Gets Pissed at a Street Performer Because She...
- Karens truly come in all ages and varieties, not only...
22 Fascinating Photos Full Of History That Will...
- Photos from the past that remind us today that we're...
Icelandic Bitcoin Heist Suspect Escapes Prison and...
- A role worthy of Nicholas Cage: an Icelandic Bitcoin...
The Swedish Ending Of Finding Dory Is Pretty WTF
- Swedish people are sick and twisted, wow.
Terrifying Footage Of Swedes Running For Their Lives
- Today someone drove a truck through a crowd in...
What Happens If You Scream Out of a Window at Night In...
- Swedish people know not to take life too seriously.
Sexy Swedish Runner Faceplants Hard During Race
- I know it's not nice to laugh, but I just can't help...
Irish Soccer Fans Sing "Go Home To Your Sexy Wives" To...
- After a draw in the Euro 2016 tournament, the Irish...
Two Amateur Burglars Break Into A Store In Broad...
- The amateurs were recorded breaking into a mall...
Kevin Hart Tries To Understand Swedish Culture
- "You telling me I can't eat what I want, when I want?"
Guy Sets a Firework off under the Ice of a Frozen Lake
- Most of us have seen firework displays or have set...
Railroad Thermite Welding In Sweden
- Workers repair tracks with this highly combustible...
Unexpected Reaction From A Police Officer
- This is what happens when you try to film a Swedish...
Man Caught Having Sex With A Bicycle
- CCTV catches a tire slasher in an unusual act...
A Painful Snowmobile Accident in Sweden
- A broken forearm and 3rd degree burns.
Swedish Will Ferrell Commercial
- Old Milwaukee fart film.
UFO Sighting in Sweden
- real or CGI - wait for the slow mo
Female Soccer Player Exchanges Her Jersey With A Fan
- omg, swedish soccer girls...... boner alert
England vs Sweden Nightclubs
- UK: New Pig Whistle,...
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