Kid Loopy After Wisdom Teeth Surgery
- I guess we can assume these are some very good...
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The Redneck Dentist
- A do-it-yourself tooth extraction!
Dog Vs. Leaf Blower
- This dog is intrigued at first, and then turns into a...
Redneck Rocket Tooth Pull
- Dad uses a model rocket to pull his son's loose tooth.
Dog Plays The Blues
- Bucky the buck tooth hound dog showcases his talent.
Would You Ever Play With This Toy?
Chaddy After Wisdom Teeth Surgery Is Awesome
- Sometimes, you have to go to an altered state of...
He Must Have a Good Dentist
- A guy picks up and tosses a table with his teeth.
Teeth Are Overrated
- bike stunt ends in horribly bad face plant
Teeth Music
- This guy plays a medley of hits on his teeth
Hot Chick After Dentist
- She flew to the land of the unicorns.
Human Can Opener
- I bet his dentist loves him.
Third World Dentist
- also known as...a B.F. rock
Fan Brushing His Teeth at a Soccer Game
- ya know just in case he starts a conversation with a...
Jawsome Gallery
- Japanese girls almost never wear braces because...
Huge Dildo Teeth Knockout
- Guy gets dildo-shanked
Inapprorpiate Barney Dance
- What's Barney really trying to teach those kids?
Skater Breaks Fall With His Face
- Being able to chew your food is overrated anyway.
Vagina Dentata
- The toothed vagina, might is it real?
Tooth Pull
- With liquor as the anesthesia this idiot gets his...
News Dental Blooper
- Ever had a dream your teeth were falling out? More...
Use Glue
- Better use glue next time.
Big Mouth
- One of the benefits of having no teeth...
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