Terrifying Footage of Woman Trapped Inside Her Car...
- A resident of Gatineau, Quebec, said she was lucky to...
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Terrifying Dealership Microburst Will Make You Feel...
- Pretty intense winds to be standing around all that...
Family Escaping a Fire Tornado is Terrifying
- Justin Sanchez recorded his family’s escape from the...
Firenado Created by California Wildfire is Hell on...
- Looks like the gates to hell opening up.
This Dude Filming While a Tornado Passes is Crazy
- This crazy guy filmed as a tornado passed overhead,...
Tornado Hits The Weather Channel and the Effects are...
- TWC must have hired a new special effects guy.
Tornado Hits The Weather Channel and the Effects are...
- TWC must have hired a new special effects guy.
Terrifying Windstorm Quickly Turns Into A Real...
- Porta-potty gets swept into the air and rains down...
Massive Tornado Passes Right in Front of Guy's Car
- This guy remains surprisingly calm in the face of this...
Footage of Horrifying Tornado is so Beautiful it...
- This tornado struck 8 miles north of Laramie, Wyoming
Storm Chaser Films Cows Flying Through A Tornado
- Holy shit that's insane!
Trucker Experiencing Microburst has an Intense Time
- At least it's the heaviest vehicle around. That wind...
Bad-Ass/Moron Drives Right Through a F*cking Tornado
- Car takes a direct hit from a violent tornado in...
Dust Whirlwind Seems From Another Planet
- This soccer game got ruined by mother nature.
Tornado Turns Warehouse To Rubble In A Matter Of...
- A tornado struck Spartanburg SC on October 23rd 2017...
Insane Footage Of A Passenger Jet Dodging Waterspouts...
- Now that would be one frightening ride.
One of the Last Things You Want To See While Flying...
- Welcome To Oklahoma! Guy films a tornado / waterspout...
A Timelapse of a Tornado In Alberta Canada
- Unbelievable footage from a farmer in Three Hills.
Guy Builds A 20 Foot Fire Tornado That Shoots Fireworks
- This would be awesome to have for New Year's and the...
Amazing Time-lapse Captures The Raw Power Of A Monsoon
- Probably the best storm time-lapse video I've ever...
Storm Chasers Get Extremely Close to Tornado in Wray...
- Extreme up-close footage of tornado just north of...
Terrifying Scene Unfolds as a Man Films A Massive F4...
- An 85 year old man unable to escape, records the...
Solemn Tornado Broadcast Interrupted By Dog On...
- This dog is ready to get to work cleaning up!
Raging Fire Tornado
- Incredible footage of a fire raging out of control.
Storm Chaser Attacked By Knife After Texas Tornado
- A storm chaser in Texas was attacked by a man with a...
This Fire Tornado In Slow Motion Is Simply Mezmerizing
- The Slow Mo Guys are back with a new kick ass...
Man Runs Into The Center of a Dirt Devil
- This Australian tries to out run it, but it doesn't...
Tornado Hits As Guy Leaves His Garage
- A Russian man finds himself in the middle of a tornado...
Chicago Has A Very Eerie Tornado Siren
- If you aren't scared of the storm, maybe the haunting...
Deadly Twin Tornadoes In Nebraska
- Amazing footage of two powerful tornadoes that have...
Oil Workers Film Tornado While Escaping
- These guys seem unbelievably calm to be that close to...
Intense Footage From Inside A Tornado
- Tornado rips through a playground and ravages...
Helicopter Gets Sucked Into A Tornado
- That's gonna leave a mark.
Tumbleweeds Spread Grass Fire in Colorado
- A tornado of tumbleweeds cause a blaze to intensify.
Guy Films The Tornado That Destroys His Home
- A Washington, Illinois resident filmed an EF-4 tornado...
Tampa Bay Tornado / Waterspout
- Home video captures a waterspout forming in florida...
Australian Fire Tornado In Real Time
- Newly released HD footage of an awesome fire tornado!
Opie's Elevator - Ira the Pervy Weatherman
- Ira is obsessed with the weather... and girls.
Woman Who's Home Was Destroyed by a Tornado Finds Her...
- A touching moment when her dog is found during a live...
The Birth Of An EF5 Tornado
- Insane close up footage of the Newcastle Oklahoma...
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