Watch These Two Guys Learn How Not to Tow a Car
- Well, you got exactly zero parts of that correct....
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Man Destroys His Car to Avoid Being Towed
- He should have just accepted the tow.
Car Launches off Tow Truck Ramp Due To a Distracted...
- Bodycam footage captures the moment a distracted...
Obnoxious Rookie Cop Blocks Emergency Vehicles,...
- You'd think as a first responder, this cop would've...
Entitled Kid With Anger Issues Tries to Intimidate His...
- Oh MY GOD. This kid is the poster child of what being...
Karen Tries to Escape Tow Truck but Makes Things Much...
- Your brain must be completely smooth to think this was...
Tow Truck Driver Got Arrested For Trying to Repo a...
- A tow truck driver was arrested and his truck booted...
Driver Screams as Tow Truck Flips His Car With Him...
- An Ohio man is still in disbelief that as he was...
Witness A Tow Truck Driver's First & Last Day On The...
- It's like he's trying to break the record for most...
Woman Tries To Drive Off Repo Truck and Gets a Painful...
- An unwise decision to try and drive her already hooked...
Military Chopper Refuels During Flight as Humvee...
- A military chopper out for a Humvee delivery refuels...
Shady Tow Truck Company Refuses To Let Customers Off...
- Breakthrough towing uses spotters and waits for...
A**holes Get Towed For Being Douchebags
- They were warned but they didn't listen.
Guy Desperately Tries To Drive Car Away During Repo
- Dude goes ape on tow truck driver for trying to...
New Tow Truck Can Load A Car In 1 Minute
- Pick up a car and tow it away in under a minute, no...
Clever New Tow Truck Design Makes Repossession A Breeze
- Now this is how you tow, maximum effectiveness minimal...
Local News Catches Towing Companies In A Boot And Tow...
- The police and local authorities join in on the...
Philadelphia Tow Truck Company Caught Baiting Cars
- In the video, you can see the white truck and the tow...
Idiot Tries to Drive His Car Off The Tow Truck
- You know the easiest way to get it down? Pay your car...
Attempted Bus Tow Results In Double Fail
- They try to hitch to the bus, but instead hit a car...
Man Drives Car Off Tow Truck To Avoid Fine
- The damage to the front end may cost more than the...
You're Moving It Wrong!
- 28 people who have their own way of moving things!
How NOT To Pull A Boat Out Of Water
- Well that didn't go according to plan...
The Wrong Way To Free A Stuck Jeep
- A beach bum gets brained by a bumper!
Tow Truck Driver Forgets Parking Brake
- A driver forgets to put his rig in park...
Rollerblading Tow Fail
- This seems like a great idea!
Sledding Tow Wipeout
- This looks extremely painful!
Tow Truck Accident in Norway
- How are the people filming so calm?
Bicycle Ramp Fail
- All you have to do is not fall, how hard is that?
Towing Totals Tow Totally
- too bad one of his gauges couldn't tell him that was...
Truck Towing a Wheelchair
- Some Redneck Ingenuity
Trailer Failer
- it's a camper calamity
An Ironic Snow Tow
- Subaru Impreza Tows an Eighteen Wheeler that is stuck...
8,800 PENNIES!!!
- Jordan got towed....he payed them back
World's Fastest Tow Job
- Guys find out the hard way that if you turn your back...
Hilarious Tow Truck Security Barrier Accident
- This is the very definition of fail.
Tow Truck Driver Owned
- This lady decides that she isn't getting towed, and...
Tow Truck Fail
- What was this guy thinking?
- Is this guy serious?!
Snow Tow
- Not the smartest way to tow a car.
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