Always Look Both Ways Before Pulling Out Into Traffic
- Especially when there is a fire truck coming down the...
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Idiot Tries to Drive His Car Off The Tow Truck
- You know the easiest way to get it down? Pay your car...
Guy Accidently Shoots His Own Truck With Assault Rifle
- Dude attempts to use the hood of his truck as a gun...
Badass RC Truck Drives Under Ice
- Now that's what I call off-roading!
New Cell Phone Video Surfaces Of LaVoy Finicum Shooting
- The event which ended the Oregon stand-off now seen...
Road Raging Asshole Almost Runs Over Dirt Biker
- Whatever this guy did he sure pissed off this driver.
Putting Gasoline Into A Diesel Car
- Kids, don't try this at home.
Guy Responds To People Hating On His Sh*tty Truck
- This guy sure has a lot of f*cks to give.
17 Deep Puddles That Made Life Miserable
- Times when people misjudged puddles, and paid the...
Redneck Road Rages After Hitting BMW
- This woman goes haywire after her husband hits a BMW...
Clyde Ruins A Gun Safety Video
- Dammit Clyde, go sit in the truck.
Insane Ramp Truck Mod In GTA 5
- Having some fun with Simple Trainer mod for Grand...
Insane Ramp Truck Mod In GTA 5
- Having some fun with Simple Trainer mod for Grand...
Can Of Bear Mace Goes Off In The Car
- A couple driving up to the mountains has to pull over...
Stolen Motorcycle Leads To High Speed Car Chase
- Guy chases down some thieves in his car at speeds over...
Epic Labor Day Weekend Truck Jump
- I can't think of a better way to trash an old junky...
They Do Road Rage Differently in Russia
- This guy really meant business.
15 Dumbest Things People Brought to The Auto Shop
- If somebody makes one of these mistakes, maybe they...
Package Promises Low Tone For Truck Horn
- Guy was so impressed with his new horn he had to show...
Out of Control Cement Truck Flies Around The Corner
- A cement truck loses control while going around a...
How To Keep From Getting Repoed
- Not today repo man!
Truck Jump Ends In Painful Fail
- Guy pulls off the most ungraceful leap ever and lands...
Loading A Truck Using Wooden Planks
- That went waaaaaaay better than I expected!
Impatient Semi Truck Driver Pays The Price
- Driver pulls out in front of an oncoming truck and...
Ingenious Way To Back Up Without Reverse
- His reverse stopped working so he rigged this...
12 "Oh Sh*t" Driving Moments
- Sometimes your commute just doesn't go as planned.
Incredible Close Call With A Semi Truck
- An accident in front of this driver is blocking his...
Motorist Hit By Runaway Truck Tire
- He suffered multiple fractures and could face a fine...
How NOT To Pull Your Buddy Out
- Ford truck vs Dodge truck, who is stronger?
How NOT To Pull Your Buddy Out
- Ford truck vs Dodge truck, who is stronger?
This Truck Driver Is Lucky To Be Alive
- He was working on his truck when a SUV slams into the...
Extremely Close Call For Lucky Pedestrian
- Pants were probably shat.
College Student Wins Brand New Ford F-150
- He makes a layup, free throw, 3-pointer and a...
Boredom Makes Truck Drivers Crazy...
- I guess autopilot comes standard in these models...
Blonde Girl Falls Out Of Moving Pickup Truck
- A blonde girl takes a nose dive while riding a...
Testing A New Type Of Traffic Barrier
- A flatbed truck gets obliterated by this new type of...
3 Cop Cars & BMW Smashed By Fire Truck
- The driver pushes 3 police cars out of the way and...
Extremely Lucky Cyclist Cheats Death
- A truck hits a car and misses this man on his bike by...
Man Drives Car Off Tow Truck To Avoid Fine
- The damage to the front end may cost more than the...
Crazy Guy Tries To Run Over Dirtbiker
- A man riding his dirtbike is chased by a man in an SUV.
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