20 Vape Shops Named by Maniacs
- What is it about naming a vape shop that immediately...
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Guy At Funeral Drops His Vape Pen Right on the Casket
- It’s what he would have wanted—on second thought,...
30 Vapers Who Could Not Look Cooler
- Here are some vapeheads that made a weird habit look...
Croatian Fan Stops Celebrating to Rip His Vape Pen
- A Croatian man stopped celebrating Croatia's equalizer...
Twitter Reacts To Trump Administration's Crackdown On...
- The Trump administration showed a remarkable...
Twitter Reacts To Trump Administration's Crackdown On...
- The Trump administration showed a remarkable...
This Hockey Rink Vape Pen Recovery Deserves To Be Made...
- The Greatest Rescue of All Time Might be This Vape Pen...
Busty Babe At The Bar Does An Amazing Trick
- An amazing trick for everyone and their mothers to...
A Vape God Graces Fox News With His Presence
- Some hard-hitting reporting.
Idiotic Robber Trying to Hold Up Vape Shop Drops His...
- This happened on Sunday at E-Cig of Denver located at...
Man Suffers Serious Burns After E-Cigarette Explodes...
- A man was left with serious burns after an e-cigarette...
Woman's Vape Battery Explodes Inside Her Purse
- Who said this was safer than smoking?
Watch This Dude Pull Off Some Sweet Vape Tricks
- @vAustinL of Instagram has some next-level tricks!
Vape Pen Explodes In Smoke Shop Employee's Face
- The victim in the video had to get 12 stitches and is...
Teacher Off Tinder Smoking Weed And Getting Drunk
- You will not believe the stuff this teacher says about...
Guy Demonstrates A Cool Vape-Cloud Trick
- Whoa, its like magic... Vape Nation!
28 Fails, Facepalms, and People That Will Make You...
- You're going to need your eyes bleached after this!
Cringeworthy Dude Vapes His Own Semen
- So, how does your cum taste?
Introducing "Vape Naysh" Ya'll!
- The CEO Ethan Klien gives us the Vape Nation...
Vape Face Swap Gets Weird
- A glitchy webcam effect makes for a funny moment.
Getting My PREGNANT Tinder Date HIGH
- He told this Tinder dates They were smoking weed....
Guy Gets Super Stoked Watching People Vape in Traffic
- "Give us another one! YEAAAAH!"
Mega Bass Causes Smoke To Dance
- Two guys, a car and 16,000 watts of ass kicking bass.
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