31 Fresh Memes That Crash Landed in Dankville, USA
- Let the dankness begin.
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23 Photos Taken From the Perfect Perspective
- When timing is everything.
16 Shower Thoughts To Help Keep Your Brain Clean
- For deducing life's truths
26 Memes from ‘The Office’ That Would Get Michael...
- If you're not a fan of 'The Office' I'll stop you here...
22 Great Memes and Tweets From the Land of Twitter
- Another week another round-up of all the best and most...
15 People Who Had the Worst Neighbors Imaginable
- Neighbors can be funny, stupid, or at times weird....
25 People Of Walmart In Their Natural Habitat
- What else do you expect from Walmart?
27 Dank Memes For Being Forever Online
- Take a break from the4 day and get comfy with this...
28 Gaming Pics and Memes That Will Restore Your Runes
- Take a break from the day and enjoy this fresh batch...
31 "Influencers" Who Just Arrived From Planet Cringe
- The cringe is almost impossible.
Self-Proclaimed 'Culture Buff' Stabs Two at MoMA Over...
- A man identified as Gary Cabana, 60, was captured on...
28 Historical Events That Oddly Got Swept Under The Rug
- People shared some of the most incredible events that...
31 WTF Pics That Won't Go Away
- These may play with your eyes.
21 Gaming Memes to Help Beat the Boss of Boredom
- Take a break from the mundane and scroll through this...
31 Dank Memes That Can Hold Their Own Dankness
- Get things rolling with some dank memes.
13 Permanent Reminders Of Terrible Tattoos
- Sometimes we make mistakes but they won't forget about...
35 Surreal Situations People Still Can't Explain
- They caught people off guard.
Schwarzenegger 'Slap Fighting Championship' Debuts...
- Arnold Schwarzenegger and unlikely partner Logan Paul...
32 Random Things That Feel Like They Should Be Illegal
- Rules and laws that cause confusion.
28 Gaming Memes To Give You a Boost
- Take a break from the day and check out this fresh...
14 Trashy People Who Need To Be Ejected From The Planet
- Something is seriously wrong with these people.
Monday Morning Randomness: The Kenku Edition
- Take a little break and check out this big batch of...
26 Pics Proving Googly Eye Vandalism Is Always Funny
- To whomever invented the googly eyes, thank you. They...
30 Fresh Memes With a Fistful of Dankness
- Start the week right: with a fistful of memes.
29 Funny Gaming Memes to Activate Your Laughter
- Take a break from the day and enjoy a fresh batch of...
17 Pics Showing the Struggles of Being Really Tall
- When you're high and not even the fun type of high -...
Time Flies: 24 Undeniable Signs That You've Gotten Old
- Some signs of age are easy to spot, like gray hair and...
40 Dank Memes We Swiped From Walmart's Loading Docks
- A rapid fire round of funny pics and dank memes we...
27 Tweets Perfect For Laughing At
- Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving and so where...
22 Things That Parents Do That Cause More Harm Than...
- It seems there are new parenting trends every day. And...
27 People Who Really Have No Business Working in...
- Unsafe, unprofessional and unbelievable -...
19 Cringey and Terrifying Pics We Want No Part Of
- Some real nightmare fuel.
23 Gaming Pics and Memes To Extend Your Weekend
- Take a break from the day and enjoy a fresh batch of...
20 Bizarre Things That Are Illegal But Not Ethically...
- Law is mostly for the good of the general people. But...
20 Absurd Things People Would Eat If They Became Edible
- Humans can eat a lot of things obviously. From plants...
31 Pics and Memes We Bought on the Down Low
- Don't tell anybody where you get these.
19 Times Security Cameras Saw a Little Too Much
- When security cameras make you feel a little less safe.
Hundreds of Birds Suddenly Drop Dead from The Sky in...
- In an absolutely bizarre video released by Chihuaha...
26 Unfortunate People That Live Next To Clearly Insane...
- This gallery is exactly why Johnny Depp bought his own...
24 Funny Gaming Memes To Level Up With
- Welcome back to the not-so-serious world of memes,...
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