Girl Recognizes F-list Celebrity Who Hosts Pizza...
- She was even handed a slice of pizza by Jeremy Renner,...
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34 Vintage Ads That Wouldn't Fly Today
- Ads from a time when topics that spark current-day...
Feel Good Post About A Wild Fox Sunbathing On Someones...
- The best news you'll hear all day.
Freaky Audience Members Belong in the Uncanny Valley
- WTF is going on here?
37 Shower Thoughts to Wash Your Brain Out
- Free your mind and the rest will follow
16 Construction Fails That Will Have You Introducing...
- There is no way that a sober man built this!
47 Reaction Pics you can Use to Win any Argument
- Become the king of social media with these e-power...
27 Remarkable Images for You to Remark Upon
- Open your eyes wide so these pictures can come inside.
42 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
19 Fun Facts to Frantically Flip Through
- Feed your head hamster with these 19 trivial bits.
Conspiracy Theorist Plays the Feminist Card After...
- It turns out that if you defeat her with facts, your...
Nonchalant Compilation of 28 Remarkable Images
- A gallery so easy to get into that you won't need any...
Nonchalant Compilation of 22 Remarkable Images
- Giving it to you real good just how you like it.
10 Honest and Sarcastic Inspirational Quotes That Will...
- The first inspirational advice that you might actually...
35 "Black Twitter" Memes That Are On Fire
- Black Twitter has absolutely zero chill.
Doctors Remove Wiggly Blockage From Man's Nose
- How does someone get something like that up their...
A Nonchalant Compilation of 43 Kickass Pics
- Casually assembled images selected with your needs in...
55 Most Hilariously Awkward Wedding Photos
- What were they thinking? Or were they even thinking?
Monday Morning Randomness - User Edition #56
- A super-sized edition of the randomness we all know...
53 Pics That Will Make You Cringe Your Pants
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
Woman Born Without A Vagina Has One Made Out Of Fish...
- Thanks, science, we guess!
How A Lying 13 Year-old Gamer Changed His Life Forever
- Sometimes lying isn't a bad thing.
Roseanne Is Getting Obliterated on Twitter Over Ambien
- Blame it on the rain, it was falling falling. Whatever...
25 Weird and WTF Facts Improve Your Brain
- Show off your brain gains with these wtf facts!
19 Weird Facts You Didn't Know about Brands You Use
- Some little known historical facts about popular...
28 Weird Memes We Just Can't Seem To Shake Off
- Enjoy this free batch of memes, perfect for your...
19 Reasons To Make Your Next Vacation A Road Trip
- Besides the fear of falling out of the sky, here are...
Stan Lee’s Twitter Feed Will Give You All The Feels
- Stan Lee is the purest and sweetest old man alive.
36 Delightful Pics That Will Entertain and Amuse You
- Pssst... hey kid, you wanna see some pics?
French Artist Combines Photos To Create Surreal Works...
- This is what happens when kids around the world begin...
23 Pics That Are As Strange As They Are Funny
- These images are way past memes.
Proof That Tumblr Is A Cringe Fest That Should Be...
- What deranged minds made this?
Nonchalant Compilation of 37 Remarkable Images
- You can't beat the price of admission!
34 Awesome Gaming Memes Handpicked For Your Personal...
- Enter the realm of video games and find out how much...
11 Quick Stories About Married Life That Will Keep You...
- Great stories to laugh at until your wife tells you to...
Woman Who Falsely Accused Police Of Rape May Faces...
- After the body cam of her arrest was released this...
41 Cringey Pics That Will Make You Facepalm
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
Artist Draws Herself In 50 Styles And Nails Every One...
- The 24 year old Sam Skinner is a natural fit for The...
22 Adventures of Florida Man That Goes With Your...
- Special guest appearance by: Florida Woman.
Jerks Act Like They Didn't Just Steal a Cake
- The time an innocent cake caused an uproar of rudeness.
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