Woman Does Perfect Bike Horn Impersonation, Shows How...
- Perfect for your next bike ride or orgy!
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Florida’s Boat Takeover Was As Disastrous As You’d...
- Forget “what could go wrong” — what could go...
This Woman’s Job Is Collecting Horse Sperm
- Somebody’s gotta do it.
Girls Visiting Humpty Dumpty Statue Suddenly Learn the...
- Somebody call all the King’s horses and all the...
Tenants Say Landlord Is Trying to Kick Them Out Using...
- Landlords really are the worst, huh?
Dude Harasses Mom by Dressing Exactly Like the...
- What a strange cultural moment this is.
Dental Patient Singlehandedly Stops Robbery in the...
- I hope the rest of his procedure was free!
Another Person Was Caught Driving Without a Wheel
- You’d think the fact that the car is leaning would...
Man Accidentally Runs Over Himself With Tractor
- He’s part of the fertilizer now.
50 Morning Randoms for a Remedy to Routine
- The best of the internet is odd, funny, cool-looking,...
Forever Alone: 20 Memes and Tweets That Capture Dating...
- Modern dating is a hot mess, and we’ve got the memes...
10 Cars That Are Worth More Used Than New
- Most financial professionals will tell you that buying...
23 Mummified Animals that Would Make Really Good Jerky
- Last month, scientists discovered the perfectly...
25 More Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1975
- With the Vietnam War ending, there was nothing left to...
Man Crashes Brand New Car Through Dealership after...
- Umm, sir, you can't park there.
These Self-Proclaimed ‘Dangerous Men’ Are Pathetic
- You’re not dangerous, you need a shower.
Dude Is Really Good at Catching Things on Knives
- This would take a lot of patience.
Woman Accidentally Drives Car Into the Ocean
- In hindsight, this probably could have been avoided.
Dudes Rob Store Dressed as Santa
- When the elves get tired, Santa’s gotta look...
20 Photos of Young Men Just Before They Left to Be...
- Most of us will never know the gut-wrenching feeling...
35 Cursed Randoms Slithering Out of Your Drain
- It’s been a cold, shivery few days and it’s only...
22 Photos from the 1970's Golden Age of Car Cruising
- Back in the 1970s, if you had a car and some time on...
50 Morning Randoms to Wash Your Brain With
- Right now the internet is obsessed with assassins,...
The 10 Biggest Asteroids That Have Slammed Into Earth
- What if a massive asteroid just came out of nowhere...
Family Shows Off Their Cursed Holiday Meal
- Please tell me people don’t really eat like this.
Woman Crashes Golf Cart Twice in a Row
- Texting while driving: not just a danger in normal...
Dudes Rob Store, Get Away on Horseback
- They never saw it coming!
10 of the Most Valuable Finds Ever On 'Pawnstars'
- Pawnstars was one of television's biggest reality TV...
25 More Photos of What Life Was Like in 1976
- 1976 was our great nation's bicentennial, and there...
Dude Hits Coworker in the Face with a Tennis Racket
- Not exactly the bonus he was hoping for.
Man Tries to Rob Store, Gets Too Startled to Finish
- Listen, I get it.
Why Do Groomers Keep Giving Dogs Fat Asses?
- Seriously, do we need to have a conversation here?
Dudes Mess With Cop Trying to Test for DUI
- How about ‘have YOU had anything to drink,’...
Crazy Sights: Zoo Keeper Gets Into a Slap-Fight With a...
- Would you slap a hippo in the face?
Here's How They Get Silk (Without Boiling the Silkworm)
- They usually just boil the worm.
Assholes Light Off Fireworks in a Subway
- I know their sandwiches suck, but isn’t this a bit...
Turns Out You Can't Drive the Cybertruck in the Snow,...
- So… it’s just a crummy driveway ornament, then.
The Craziest Videos from the Fall of the Syrian...
- What a week it’s been, huh?
Dude Puts a Shock Collar on His Girlfriend, Takes Her...
- Don’t get too excited, buddy, because you’re...
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