Japanese Disney Cultists Fly Halfway Around the World...
- You probably thought Disney adults were a solely...
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Police Boat Capsizes After Getting Clothes-Lined by...
- Bet you never thought you’d see a boat do a backflip!
40 Normal Things That Were Hit With an Enlarger Ray
- The world is full of giants.
'Give Me a Menu!': 18 People Share Their Funniest...
- Part of growing old is watching the world pass you by.
The 17 Worst Photos Ever Passed Off as Extraterrestrial
- For whatever reason, if feels like every single photo...
The Netherlands’ Competition for ‘Biking Into the...
- Everyone who’s ever been on a long bike ride knows...
Welcome to the Unhinged World of Cartel TikTok
- It’s pretty fun to watch, so long as you can ignore...
Dude Turns Motorcycle into Fireworks Launcher
- Despite my concerns, I have to admit: It looks goddamn...
Watch Mourners Pour Booze into a Drug Trafficker’s...
- Everyone wants to be remembered differently.
Man’s Heely Tricks Are *Kind of* Impressive
- One can’t help but watch this and say, “Hey, good...
Dude Eats an Entire Head of Lettuce for Lunch...
- When on the job site, it can be hard to find a healthy...
Golfer Almost Gets Hit by Plane
- The most one usually expects to get by while golfing...
Parents Confused After Preschool Gives Kid 9/11...
- Preschool used to be about teaching kids the basics of...
Watch a Woman with One Leg Do Barbell Squats
- There really is no reason to skip leg day.
There Are Way Too Many Tourists on the Great Wall of...
- The Great Wall of China is among the most popular...
Olympic Ping Pong Player Hits Opponent with Ultimate...
- Table tennis is a way more intense sport than you...
The 48 Most Unhinged and Funniest Headlines of the Week
- Just when you thought you'd seen it all, the world...
Kim Jong Un Crashed a Boat Into a Tree
- If I were the boat driver, I’d probably get my...
Olympic Pole Vaulter Loses Because of his Massive Dong
- A classic win/lose situation, if you ask me.
It Turns Out RFK Jr. Was the Guy Who Dumped a Bear's...
- The more RFK Jr. speaks, the more we realize what an...
Next Level Badassery - 20 Soldiers With Ridiculous...
- We love to mix and match looks in video games, but...
17 Strange Facial Recognition Facts That Are Reading...
- The dystopian future is now.
19 Employees Who Documented Their Unsafe Working...
- Management would have no comeback if these workers...
20 Disgusting People Airing Out Their Toes in Public
- Alright, the internet has a thing for feet.
Kebab Shop’s Songs About Kebabs Are Making Us Hungry
- How do you, as a kebab shop owner, set yourself apart...
Man Bends Iron Using Only a Roundhouse Kick
- Yeah, he might need surgery in a few years.
Builders Accidentally Drill Into Sewer Pipe, Create...
- We’ve struck brown gold!
Olympic Triathlete Vomits After Swimming in the Poop...
- The Seine is safe to swim in, right? While the French...
Birds Actually Aren’t Real: China Is Disguising...
- We all thought it was a bit much when the idea of...
Rural Athletes Don’t Need Equipment to Do Sick Flips
- The Olympics are limited by one major factor: to...
Watch Akon Sing ‘Locked Up’ as a Creep Gets Locked...
- To Catch a Predator inadvertently turned pedophile...
Japan Is So Hot That They’ve Hired People to Rub Ice...
- Japan is currently experiencing a pretty major heat...
Influencer’s Thirst Trap Ruined When Random Woman...
- When coming across an influencer posting a thirst...
Olympian Celebrates So Hard He Dislocates His Shoulder
- Hey, at least he already won something before it...
All the Best Tweets and Pics of the Olympic Shooters
- Honestly, we didn’t even know Olympic Shooting was a...
The Deep Dark Seas: 23 Ocean Photos to Incite Some...
- We know more about the surface of the moon than the...
22 Titillating Pictures of Clouds That Look Like...
- We as a society don’t think about clouds enough –...
Children of Russian Spies Apparently Didn’t Even...
- Yesterday, Western governments announced that they had...
Woman Wakes Up From Wisdom Tooth Surgery Wondering Why...
- Their silence speaks volumes!
Watch the Olympic Mascot Fall on His Stupid Face
- The Olympics has a history of choosing stupid mascots.
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