Special Ops: Sniper Pug
- Will Sergeant Pugsley save the day? Probably not. He...
Media videos
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The Coolest Cats On The Block
- Just what every cat needs for chilling on a Caturday.
Bonobo Builds A Fire And Toasts Marshmallows
- This is probably exactly as our ancestors did it....
Honey Badger Houdini
- Escaping from his captivity in ways you would only...
Hidden Camera Catches Dog's Revenge
- So thats why your pillow always smells like dog...
Live Stream Of The Lunar Eclipse
- **Update: This feed is no longer live but you can...
Abechan Bird Speaks Japanese
- What is this sorcery?
Game Of Goats
- Game of Thrones intro song starring goats.
Cat Welcomes Owner Home
- Moo the Cat is really happy to welcome her owner home...
Just The Dog And The "Cat" Playing
- An adorable tiger cub plays with the family dog.
Giraffe Kicks GoPro Camera
- Reminds me of one of those big AT AT Walkers from Star...
Adorable Squeaking Baby Sloths
- Caution: Cuteness ahead.
Guy Wants To Shred, Cat Wants To Fight...
- They have meow-sical differences.
Rare Oarfish Sighting
- Vacationers in Baja, Mexico captured footage of a very...
Praying Mantis Eats Fly Alive
- Part insect, part hardcore torture device death...
Patient Dog Ignores Annoying Goat
- Dog gets his patience tested by one strange goat.
Super Mario Cat
- Just a day in the life of Super Mario Cat in the...
Puppy Doesn't Want To Go To Bed
- An adorable pup protests bed time but eventually gives...
Dog Has An Awkward Moment
- How I feel When I Am Caught Wearing My Girlfriends...
Mythical Chupacabra Found Alive In Texas
- Today is a monumental day, the Chupacabra has been...
Slow Life
- "Slow" marine animals show their secret life under...
True Facts About The Octopus
- True facts about the "Floppy Floppy Spider Of The Sea".
Rescuing A Sick And Homeless Pitbull
- WIth the help of these amazing people, Gideon makes an...
Kayaker Gets A Surprise Visit
- A man out fishing in his kayak gets paid a visit by a...
Bulldog Puppy Kisses The Baby
- The two newest members of the family meet for the...
A Raven Seeks Help From Humans
- This bird lets a woman pull porcupine quills from his...
Starlings Over Israel
- An Astounding display of Murmuration, courtesy of...
A Brilliantly Trained Dog
- A dog demonstrates his wide range of amazing tricks.
- Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.
Two Legged Boxer's First Beach Trip
- Such joy. Much Fun. Wow. Many Feels.
Teddy Bear Pug Prank Gone Wrong
- He literally scared the crap out of his dog.
Phone Captures Pigeon Taking The Highway
- He reaches speeds of 50 mph and even gets off at an...
The Lake Ice Is Coming For You...
- The ice creeps forward slowly as it is breaking up and...
Confident Little Girl Leads Her Horse
- Emma leads her horse Cinnamon back home like a pro.
A Thankful Dog
- This dog gets rescued and shows his gratitude to...
Ship Hits Massive Waves During Search
- Extremely rough seas during the search for the missing...
German Shepherd's Slow Motion Fail
- When jumping for the ball goes wrong...
Fearless Puppy Defends The Bowl
- This little guy is fearless and he's not interested in...
How Dogs React To Magic!
- The disappearing doggie treat. Taikuutta koirille -...
Confessions Of A Cholo
- A mean pet for a mean gangsta...
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