Carnivore Makes a ‘Sink Steak’ and the Internet Is Worried He’s Full of Tapeworms
I've seen steak cooked many different ways, but never in a sink.
Tapeworms, dysentery, E. coli, this man's definitely got one of the aforementioned after ingesting this meat. Like good for TikTok user _butter_dawg_. He wanted internet clout? He got internet clout.
After watching this video on loop, I began noticing some things that were truly frightening. Aside from - you know - cooking a steak in a sink. First off, get that raggedy sponge out of there before you start "cooking." Also, maybe rinse the sink out? It looks dirty as sin. Finally, why even bother putting the butter on after?
Tapeworms, dysentery, E. coli, this man's definitely got one of the aforementioned after ingesting this meat. Like good for TikTok user _butter_dawg_. He wanted internet clout? He got internet clout.
After watching this video on loop, I began noticing some things that were truly frightening. Aside from - you know - cooking a steak in a sink. First off, get that raggedy sponge out of there before you start "cooking." Also, maybe rinse the sink out? It looks dirty as sin. Finally, why even bother putting the butter on after?