Store Owner Handles Aggressive Customers Who Refuse to...
- The store owner handily deals with some obnoxious...
Media videos
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Texas Teacher Placed on Leave For Telling Students...
- This Texas teacher has been put on administrative...
Tesla Malfunctions While Parking and Jumps into...
- Video has surfaced of a Tesla that ended up killing 2...
Clueless Wive's Can't Figure Out Why Husbands are...
- These two ladies were asked to read a phrase off of a...
Larry David's FTX Super Bowl Ad is Way Funnier after...
- Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The crypto-exchange,...
Skateboard Gets the Last Laugh After Angry Skater...
- This guy got mad as his board after he failed to pull...
Man Gets Shot At by Cops After Answering Door With Gun...
- Officers responding to a 911 call open fire when the...
Post Malone Keeps His Cool When Fan Tells Him He Sucks
- Post Malone keeps his cool in this video while a fan...
Incel Calls Cops on Woman He’s Been Stalking after...
- This stalker films his interaction with the police...
Burger King Employee Handles Aggressive Customer...
- "F- you, I want my chicken!"
Lady Goes Berserk after Getting Called Out For Cutting
- This woman has a mental breakdown after allegedly...
Gamblers Mindlessly Playing Slots is Truly Saddening
- Slot machines are just cell phones for the greatest...
Real Life People Make All the Decisions Horror Movie...
- This TikTok couple decided to explore a cave they...
'MW2' Friendship Ends as Quickly as It Began
- Making friends as an adult can be hard. Making friends...
Pineapple Man is the Real Winner of the NYC Marathon
- The New York City marathon is a display of...
Reckless Teen Wants a Warning for Going 116 Miles Per...
- Instead, he was given a $237.00 ticket and 4 points on...
Wandering Bear Reminds Larry David about The White...
- Sherly's numb vagina gets a magical cure from a native...
Man Finds a Hidden TWRA Camera on His Property
- Camden resident Hunter Hollingsworth found a TWRA...
Woman Steals Cop Car Mid Arrest in This Reno-911 Clip...
- After police were called to help a mentally ill woman...
Planet Fitness Employee Uses Maximum Sass to Deal With...
- He just wants to take his lunch break.
Funeral Home Director Says Booming Business Allows Him...
- When two shoppers at Tommy Bahama are asked whether...
OnlyFans Models Denied Entrance into French Restaurant
- OnlyFans stars, Tootatis and Polska were turned away...
Hysterical Woman Kneels in Prayer before Admitting Her...
- We have no idea what this woman is going through, but...
Bill Burr Was of Course Right about Kanye Years Ago
- Leave it to Bill to always be right on the dot.
Streamer Learns He Hasn't Been Claiming His Donations...
- After 4 years of streaming, TommyInnit learns he has...
Single Mother Says ‘If You're Looking for a New...
- Now, this is a very hot take.
Karen Harasses Airport Security Because a Typhoon...
- If the employee could change the weather, she wouldn't...
Meta Project Manager Wastes Her Whole Day Making...
- Something's a bit off here.
Guy Exposes Fraud TikToker For Trying to Make People...
- Some people will do anything for views.
Madonna Does Poppers For the First Time on TikTok Live
- The incident occurred when Madonna went live with...
5 WTF Moments from the Trial of Darrell Brooks
- This clown decided to represent himself without any...
Tiktoker Josh Richards Jokes about Joining the...
- How low can you go?
Maid of Honor Delivers Worst Wedding Speech of All Time
- This one is hard to get through.
Grandma Gets Arrested for Feeding the Homeless
- While attempting to spread some love and kindness by...
Guy Thought LGBT Stood For Something Hilariously...
- I think we can agree it stands for both.
College Student Solves Serial Killer Cold Case and...
- Don't go to college.
Climate Protestors Throw Mashed Potatoes on $110M Monet
- The painting was behind glass and unharmed by the...
Kanye West Unhinged During Interview With Piers Morgan
- Kanye talks about Jaime Foxx and Quentin Taratino...
The Nutshot Heard Around The World: Hammer Throw to...
- This poor dude was just out here trying to help judge...
If Only Every Scooter Rider Could Eat It Like This Dude
- This dude slams his neck / head into a street lamp...
eBaum's Picks