Swear At A Judge Do 120 Days In Jail
- Another case of not knowing when to shut the hell up. ...
Media videos
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Big Guy's Epic Golf Swing Fail
- A 6'3 guy takes a big swing on the golf course and...
Infomercial Fail Montage
- A compilation of those hilariously inept people we...
Florida Woman Calls 911 On The Sun
- A 22 Degree Halo freaks a Tampa woman out, and she...
Train Nearly Takes Out U.S. Senator
- Senator holds commuter safety meeting, almost gets hit...
Dump Truck With Raised Bed Hits Bridge
- Pretty much stopped dead in his tracks!
Jeremy Foley's Violent Car Crash
- Amazingly both the driver and passenger survived.
The Idiot's Way To Unload A Car
- Russian ingenuity at its finest... or not.
Young Basketball Player's Ridiculous Flop
- Maybe he should consider a sports career in Soccer...
Quick Life Hacks
- All your problems solved in this video of quick life...
Roof To Trash Bin Flip Fail
- Walk if off chump, I mean champ...
Firefighters Bust A BMW's Windows
- They needed to reach the hydrant, but the car was in...
Ultimate Car Crash Compilation
- Over four minutes of car crashing awesomeness!
Parking Enforcement Officer Gets Owned
- He was trying to write a ticket, while parked...
Actor Vs. The Stage
- Too bad he wasn't the one wearing the helmet...
Guy Doesn't Realize His Girlfriend Fell Off
- Hold on, we're going home.
Reporter Has A Bit Of An Accident
- She's all washed up.
Weightlifting Can Be Painful
- You need two things, a good spotter, and the proper...
Samsung Galaxy S5 Hammer Test Fail
- And that is how you get cancer kids...
Double Backflip Flop
- The worst double backflip attempt in history.
Dude Faceplants On BMX Bike
- Face meet pavement, pavement meet face.
Fireman Delivers A "Rock-Bottom" Rescue
- An unusual rescue tactic for saving a person from a...
FailArmy March Fail Compilation
- A look back at some of the best fails from the last...
10 April Fools Pranks That Went Very Wrong
- A look back at some pranks that stirred up some drama...
Check Your Mirrors Before Changing Lanes
- Driver panics and swerves into the next lane...Carnage...
Drunk Russian Bunk Bed Fail
- I've been too drunk to go to bed, but never too drunk...
First Marijuana Experience Freakout
- College Bro smokes pot for the first time and thinks...
Skier Follows The Wrong Trail
- I guess sometimes you're better off blazing your own...
These Trees Don't Like Being Shot At
- Some trees shoot back.
Fire Breaks Out In Car Almost Kills Two
- What starts as a group cover song, turns serious fast!
Road Rage Ends With Instant Karma
- After flipping her off, this guy makes an even bigger...
Be Careful With Your Dogs In Elevators
- This woman wasn't paying attention and it almost cost...
Human Slingshot Stunt Ends Painfully
- This guy receives an unexpected nutshot while...
Russian Drives SUV Over Frozen Lake
- I think Boris and his buds immediately regretted this...
Ice Skating Faceplant
- This guy tries to pull a smooth move but ends up...
Parkour Wall Jump Ends Painfully
- He calls this trick "The Nut Cracker".
SUV Tries To Board A Departing Ferry
- The SUV ends up rolling back off the ship and into the...
Forklift Driver Wets Himself
- Probably not in the way you were thinking...
Prankster Gets KO'd With A Right Hook
- When you push the limits, something like this is bound...
President Of Colombia Pees Himself
- During a speech, Juan Manuel Santos has a little...
eBaum's Picks