Tourist Faceplant
- This is how not to pose on a landmark in Japan.
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Russian Back Flip Failure
- Worst back flip ever.
Pull Ups Fail
- This kitchen is safe for dancing only.
Assplant at Skate Competition
- He definitely lost some points from the judges on that...
Hammer To The Head
- What do you mean you don't remember your score?
Playground Gymnastics Faceplant
- Nice dismount.
Soccer Fan Does Faceplant In The Stands
- Everyone is entertained.
Bike Jump Fail Over Barbecue Grill
- His faceplant shows his dedication.
Dog Trick Fail
- Dog 1 Woman 0
Solid Crash at Skatepark
- Good thing they were wearing helmets.
Electric Mountain Bike Jump Fail
- Testing out the electric mountain bike can be painful!
Epic Wheelie FAIL
- He's doing it wrong and we love it!
Parenting FAIL
- Mother holding her child doesn't realize where she's...
Rope Swing Fail
- She let go too early...
Bike Stunt FAIL
- Guy testing out his new bike.
Monster Skateboarder Faceplant
- The guy in the brown jacket is clearly a doctor..
Guy Punctures Tire
- And gets blown up!
Juggalo Justice FAIL
- Thief at the Gathering of the Juggalos stole from...
Erik's Office Face Plant
- Checking the work schedule can get you landing on your...
Breakdancer FAIL
- Now that's using your head!
Future Darwin Award Recipient
- Dude in Russia does a backflip out of a 4th story...
Sexy Fail...
- Almost nailed it
Skateboarder Face Meets Pavement
- OUCH!!!
Fire Skating Fail
- And the Darwin award almost goes to....
Meanwhile In Poland: Stupid Is as Stupid Does
- Possible Darwin Award candidates? Oh I think so.
A New Plant Grows... A Faceplant
- Tree Hug Fail
Gas Attendent Gets Spun Like a Record
- While attempting to pump gas...possible Darwin Award...
Motor Scooter Faceplant
- Enjoy your sand.
TV Reporter Faceplants On Live TV
- Surfs up brah!
Slip-N-Slide Faceplant
- "It might not be slippery yet Lane..."
18 Year Old Kid Falls Off From Top Escalator
- Yet another candidate for the Darwin Award.
Idiot Uses Lighter to Look In Fuel Tanker
- And the Darwin Award goes to...
Pool Cleaning Faceplant
- Some surfaces can be slippery when you're wet.... and...
Drunk Watermelon Faceplant
- He know that shit hurt
Brutal BMX Faceplant
- Knocked him the ef out!
Bike Douche Wheelie Fail
- The mullet made him do it.
Triple Front Flip Faceplant
- A flipping fool eats some sand. mmmm gritty...
Drunken Wrestling Faceplant
- His "Brett Hart Sharpshooter" needs some work.
Parkour Leap Fail
- For that failure, he belongs in the dumpster.
Playground Stunt Fail Results in Hardcore Parkour...
- i think i pooped myself a little
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