
'I'm Going to Assume You're Obviously Very Liberal': HR Manager Says She Doesn't Hire People With Pronouns in Their Bio

This HR manager describes how she reacts to seeing pronouns in a prospective employee's bio, and let's just say it's not well, and also illegal.

"I'm going to assume you're obviously very liberal," she says. "I'm going to assume you're not a very hard worker." She goes on to say that the person is probably a "female or not straight guy," and that "you're going to be the laziest person, you're going to be the most entitled, and complain the most." Of course, every person already has pronouns, and listing them on a resume has no ill effects on anyone. From the intensity of her rant, she's the one her co-workers need to worry about acting entitled, getting offended, and complaining.

While political discrimination is not illegal on the federal level it is in many states. It is also illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for employers to make job decisions based on sex, including sexual orientation, which this woman's earlier comments certainly make it sound like she's doing. Shutting yourself off from an entire pool of potentially fantastic employees is an idiotic and closed-minded move for any hiring manager to make. Then again, the employees won't have to work for somebody who cares more about posing than doing their job properly.
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