Dude Tries and Fails to Drive Through Tree That Fell...
- In the great battle of cars versus trees, the car is...
Media videos
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The Girandola May Be the Coolest Firework Ever
- There are some places that just do fireworks better...
Farting In Inflatable Costumes Is The Funniest,...
- Giving them a Dutch Oven they can’t get out of.
Fire Dancer Has Performance Ruined by Power Scooter...
- Some people just don’t like art.
Woman Gets Caught Ripping Massive Fart on Ring Camera
- It’s a wet one.
Woman Asks to Be Let Off Plane, Gets Denied, Then...
- At least she’s not opening the emergency exits this...
Gas Truck Explodes and Goes Flying Like a Rocket
- Gas power, meet rocket power.
Man Stealing Cigarettes Becomes Man Being Beaten
- Let’s just say he got smoked.
Flight Attendant Gets Fired for Being Hot and Twerking
- Is there no justice in this world?
Another Dumbass Set Themselves on Fire While Trying to...
- They really love setting themselves on fire, huh?
Here’s What It’s Like to Get Hit With the...
- It’s pretty bad.
Arsonists Burn Tesla Showroom to the Ground
- Sources say the cars were “trying to drive.”
Rich Guy With 20 Houses Says He’s Technically Not...
- Throughout history, rich people have had to contend...
Oh Cool, Another SpaceX Rocket Exploded
- Everyone get your brooms out, time to clean up more...
Man Gets Accidentally Stripped Shirtless by Gate
- Woohoo! Take it off!
Plane Knocks Apart Flock of Birds Like Bowling Pins
- That’s a strike!
Man Coming Out of Prison for the First Time in 30...
- Just wait until you see all the new porn they’ve got!
Kid Gets Attacked by Raccoon, Then Mom Sends It Flying
- Those motherly instincts sent that raccoon to the moon.
Monkey Caught Sprinting Like a Man, Freaking Out...
- I don’t like him, and I believe he needs to stop.
Watch the Hockey Fight That Resulted in a Broken Nose,...
- Truly a fight for the ages.
Woman Loses It on Man Trying to Reverse in Her Driveway
- Common human decency ain’t as common as you’d...
Woman Caught Taking Quick Booty Pic on Live TV
- And then showing it to her friend.
Alleged Shoddy Drug Lab Makes Neighborhood House...
- These guys gotta get better at fireproofing their drug...
Teen Accidentally Shoots His House While Flexing His...
- In the United States, it’s pretty easy to get a gun.
Live Streamer Shows Why You Don’t Speed When It’s...
- There are a lot of problems with doing this —...
Serbia May Have Used a Sound Weapon Against...
- If true, it would be one of the most dramatic examples...
SpaceX Pranked the Stranded Astronauts with an Alien...
- Thank goodness there’s no Castle Doctrine in space.
Watch a Bunch of Fully Grown Men Fight Over Pokémon...
- Guys, c’mon, this is pathetic.
Reporter Catches Transformer Exploding in the Middle...
- Better stay inside for this report.
Woman Filming Dance Video Dances Her Way Into Bar...
- Neither the time nor the place, lady.
No Has Ever Looked as Cool Shooting a Gun as This Guy
- Solidifying his place as one of the coolest dudes...
Meth Head Does Very Bad Job of Convincing Cops He...
- Take a few deep breaths, man.
Donald Trump Muses About Possible Space Romance...
- The astronauts have been in space for around 275 days...
Two Guys Pull Woman Off Train Tracks Right As Train...
- Well, that was close.
TikTokers Are Permanently Damaging Their Nervous...
- If you take a vitamin supplement, you might want to...
Man Intentionally Blows Up His Whole House
- Andrew McCubin, 57, was recently found to have...
‘Storm Drain Tubing’ Is This Year’s Newest, Most...
- It’s fun until it really, really isn’t.
This Russian Plane Launch Is a Failure of Comic...
- Up, then down, then boom.
American Tourists Learn Why You Don't Cheat an Irish...
- They deserved it, IMO.
Woman Tries to Use Fire Extinguisher, Creates Rocket...
- That’s not how you do that at all.
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