
Someone’s Sending Anti-Dentist Mailers to Dentists’ Homes

Their hate is as pure as a snow-white veneer.

Dentists hate to admit it, but an uncomfortable amount of dental science is on spurious scientific grounds. Should you brush your teeth twice a day? Probably, yes. Should you floss? Eh, your dentist may ask you to, but there’s not a whole lot of evidence to suggest you actually need to.

Not only that, but put enough drinks in a dentist and they’ll admit that they’re really not that great at detecting tooth decay, and that if one dentist tells you you have a cavity, there’s a strong chance that another will tell you that you don’t.

All that said, you shouldn’t do what this guy appears to be doing, which is sending dentists letters telling them to go fuck themselves.

As reported by KIRO 7, dentists in Washington have reported receiving bizarre letters in the mail saying things like, “Every dentist needs to kill themselves,” and “Dentists torture kids.”

A bit much, IMO.

Police still haven’t found the person sending the letters, though they claim they’re working on it as best they can. For the time being, however, if you’re a dentist in the Washington area, be on alert — and if you’re one of those dentists that’s apparently torturing kids, stop!

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