Alleged Alien Whistleblower Says We Can’t Speak to...
- Want to communicate with an extraterrestrial? Skip the...
Media videos
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Oh Shit, We’re Being Invaded By Aliens
- And they came to New Jersey, of all places!
Are You a ‘Starseed’? Here’s Supposedly How to...
- Everyone wants to be special.
Guy Pranks His Mom Into Thinking There’s An Alien...
- What would you do during an alien invasion? If...
A Compilation of Skinwalkers and Shape Shifters...
- Right now you can't blame anyone for being suspicious...
Unveiling Bob Lazar's Dark Secret: A Deceased Wife, an...
- Explore the darker side of the Bob Lazar story and...
Crazy Shape-Shifting UFO Captured by Airplane...
- A clip from a Canadian News Station that shows a...
Harvard Astrophysicist Sends Expedition to Investigate...
- In 2014, the night sky lit up over Australia as what...
Commercial Pilot Shares Footage of UFO Encounter
- We are tired of waiting around for the aliens to...
The Most Compelling UFO Footage Ever, or Just A Hoax?
- The internet is at odds over this video shot in Bogota...
VFX Artists Show How To Properly Debunk UFO Videos
- If you're not familiar with the Corridor Crew, they're...
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains His Skepticism over UFOs
- A clip from the JRE podcast where Joe and Neil talk...
Are the Recently 'Leaked' UFO Videos Just More Smoke...
- Youtuber Thunderf00t provides some pretty compelling...
Pilot Claims to Capture Footage of UFO while Flying...
- Video from a pilot who was flying over the ocean near...
Joe Rogan and Jacques Vallee Review the Recent UFO News
- With the newest photographic evidence of two separate...
An Up-Close Look at The Mystery Monolith in Utah
- Okay, people have already started to gather around the...
Guy Builds a "Working" Flying Saucer Powered by Matches
- This cardboard UFO blasts off in an impressive...
This Clip from Men In Black Couldn't Contain Truer...
- "A person is smart, people are dumb..." Agent K...
Commercial Pilot Posted a TikTok of What Could Be a UFO
- I want to believe so badly that I won't even question...
CIA Document Claims Life on Mars Was Observed in 1984
- Back in the 80's the CIA was conducting experiments...
A Secret US Spaceplane Returned to Earth After 2 Years...
- One of the Pentagon’s best-kept secrets has returned...
UFO Spotted Over Ottawa Illinois Is Shockingly...
- Through the lens of a telescope, an unidentified...
UFO Spotted Over Ottawa Illinois Is Shockingly...
- Through the lens of a telescope, an unidentified...
Former US Navy Fighter Pilot Explains his Amazing...
- This is Commander David Fravor, and he has the most...
Could this Leaked KGB Footage Show Actual UFO's and...
- The leaked, KGB-connected tapes of 'Skinny Bob',...
First Kyle Seen Naruto Running In Background Of Live...
- This day seemed so far away a few months ago, but here...
Dan Aykroyd Has Zero Doubts About The Existence Of...
- If you didn't know, Dan Aykroyd is a full fledged...
A "Giant Alien Face" Was Recently Discovered in...
- Is this a natural formation, or perhaps something a...
Guy Makes a "Battle of Area 51" Prediction Video Using...
- A video made with Arma3 gameplay of a bunch of...
Jacked YouTuber Goes On Roid-Rage Rant About The Plan...
- I feel like the storming of Area 51 might actually...
Hiker Sneaks Up Behind Area 51 Guards After They Kept...
- This actually looks promising enough to make me think...
Bob Lazar Talks About the Crazy Things He Saw at Area...
- The moment former employee and whistleblower Bob Lazar...
Andrew Schulz's Hilarious Illegal Aliens Joke
- Who really built the great pyramids?
The Top 9 Unexplained Artifacts Ever Discovered
- Puzzling ancient finds have a way of captivating the...
UFO Captured by Drone While Shooting Footage for a...
- The RAW FOOTAGE can be downloaded here...
Strange Smoke Ring Appears in the Sky Over Moscow
- A very strange phenomenon was observed by residents of...
UFO Sighting in Texas Leaves Many Stumped
- A woman in Keller, Texas spotted this strange...
Man Thinks He's Spotted a UFO in the Sky Outside...
- This man was leaving Walmart in Shakopee, Minnesota in...
Something Big and Strange has been Found Swimming in...
- From the uploader: "It looked about 20-feet long and...
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