Extreme Pogo Stick Tricks
- Watch this guy pull off some impressive stunts and...
Media videos
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Grandma Has Drum Skills
- The most badass Grandma ever!
Gas Cylinder Truck Blows Up
- After an accident, cylinders on this truck explode one...
Spider-Man Plays Some Basketball
- The Amazing Spider-Man and schools some guys in 1 on 1.
Sonic The Hedgehog - A Cappella
- The Green Hill Zone theme music performed by Smooth...
Amazing Timelapse Of San Francisco Fog
- Sit back and relax with this stunning time-lapse of...
Amazing Bead Chain Experiment In Slo-Mo
- Explore the science behind "Newton's Beads".
Guy Falls Asleep During Online Gaming
- A gamer falls asleep during the game and reveals a...
This Inmate Can't Have A Cellmate
- A fascinating story about how a man got a lifetime ban...
Best Of The Web: Number 5
- An awesome compilation of some of the best viral...
Letterkenny Problems: The Produce Stand
- Don't mess around with these good 'ole Ontario Farm...
Red Hot Lightning Strike
- See why they say don't stand under a tree during a...
A Beary Close Encounter
- A hunter in a tree-stand gets an unexpected visit.
91 Year Old Breaks Bench Press Record
- Sy Perlis, A WWII Veteran is still going strong!
Cristiano Ronaldo Flipbook Animation
- An awesome flip-book animation of a talented soccer...
What Kind Of Asian Are You?
- A funny video about assumptions and stereotypes.
Drive-By Dousing
- A drunk guy sleeping on bench gets drenched in a...
Tiger Falls Asleep On The Roof
- It's time for a cat nap!
A Tribute To America
- A hardcore tribute to America on this Independence Day.
This Guy Is A Badass
- Scott refuses to let his Cerebral Palsy rule his life.
Animals Are Awesome Compilation
- People aren't the only ones who are awesome!
14 Year Old Covers Eruption
- Eddie Van Halen would be proud!
Mall Security Woman Gets Owned
- A power-drunk security guard gets a lesson in ownage!
What Is Scarier Than Hungry Zombies?
- Hungry zombies with parkour skills!
Physics Student Owns Cop In Math
- A cop has some trouble simple addition...
Ring of Fire - The Annular Solar Eclipse
- A time lapse captures the sunrise annular Solar...
Ring of Fire - The Annular Solar Eclipse
- A time lapse captures the sunrise annular Solar...
Amazing Office Golf Putt
- It's amazing what you can accomplish when the boss is...
World Record Breaking Unicycle High Jump
- A dude doing some side-hops, on a unicycle.. and...
Guy Breaks His Jaw While Gallon Smashing
- During a "prank", this genius smashes more than just...
Making An AK-47 Guitar
- You'll kill the crowd with this high caliber axe! ...
The Fastest Squirrel In The World
- A squirrel embarasses his opponent in a race in front...
How To Ask A Girl to Prom
- An invitation so epic the whole cafeteria cheered for...
Stop Motion Segmented Bowl
- The end result is an awesome looking wooden bowl.
This Printer Does More Than Just Print
- I guess someone turned on the "auto file" mode.
Awesome Beatboxer - "Reeps One"
- The song is called Metal Jaw.
What Nascar Looks Like Up Close
- This is what 200 mph (or 320 kph) looks and sounds...
Playing A Giant Game Of Pong
- Full scale gaming!
Trolling The Pizza Delivery Guy
- Don't drink and drive, hitch a ride!
Magician Owned By Little Boy
- You can't pull a fast one on this little guy!
eBaum's Picks