Okay, Did OpenAI Have That Dude Killed?
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Media videos
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‘Navy Psychic’ Claims That Gifted and Talented...
- You guys…don’t actually believe this woman, right?
Conspiracy Theorists Are Saying the Sun Was Replaced
- Has the sun felt different to you recently?
Conspiracy Theorists Now Say Satellites Aren’t Real
- Tech has advanced so fast that it’s almost hard to...
How the United States Government Inadvertently...
- How the government played a role in the creation of...
This CIA Diagram of a Black Hole May Hold the Key to...
- Break out your tin foil hats and just about all the...
Someone Blew Up The Georgia Guidestones
- Which one of you was it?
Hundreds of Birds Suddenly Drop Dead from The Sky in...
- In an absolutely bizarre video released by Chihuaha...
There Was an Actual Conspiracy to Keep Light Bulbs...
- Did you know there was a light bulb mafia?
Who Was the Umbrella Man? A JFK Assassination...
- In 2011, on the anniversary of the assassination of...
The Hidden Message Behind the Viral #SaveTheChildren...
- The deep hidden message in the QAnon conspiracy theory...
Dude Confronted after Scraping All the Social...
- His "Scrape for Truth" campaign sounds super promising.
A Day in The Life of a QAnon Cult Member
- Qanon lady goes nuts over masks: QAnon is a far-right...
Auntie Karen Goes off the Rails Ranting about Mask...
- She definitely vapes her Starbucks through her butt.
Conspiracy Explains How Long John Silver's Has...
- The fried fish chain has supposedly been a front for...
Joe Rogan Discusses Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy with...
- I don't know if we'll ever stop hearing theories about...
Joe Rogan on Jeffrey Epstein's "Suicide"
- Much like the rest of the world, Rogan is having a...
CIA Document Claims Life on Mars Was Observed in 1984
- Back in the 80's the CIA was conducting experiments...
A Secret US Spaceplane Returned to Earth After 2 Years...
- One of the Pentagon’s best-kept secrets has returned...
Former US Navy Fighter Pilot Explains his Amazing...
- This is Commander David Fravor, and he has the most...
Rashida Talib Accuses Vaping Witness Of Being A...
- The House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee held a...
The Las Vegas Review Journal Has Been Accused Of...
- This in-depth review of the October 1st shooting in...
"Birds Aren't Real" Campaign Is Proof That 2019 Has...
- We've got a plan to storm Area 51, a "Running...
Is This Unanswerable Question for the Flat Earth The...
- When your own models can't explain sunlight, night and...
Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Cringe
- Some of the most cringeworthy conspiracy theories some...
The Flat Earth Movie by Logan Paul is Here and Holy...
- Hyped since March 10th, Logan Paul's "long-awaited"...
14 Year Old Makes an App to "Prove" Spying Apps Are...
- A young teenager gets to work investigating conspiracy...
The City of Naypyidaw in Myanmar is 6 Times the Size...
- A city massive city that is basically a ghost town. ...
Scary Video Demonstrates How Powerful AI Can Change...
- The stated goal of Synsthesia Native Dubbing...
The Time Alex Jones Went Nuts on the BBC and the Host...
- A classic Alex Jones moment from an interview with...
Melting Steel Beams With Thermite
- Just fuel can't melt steel beams but thermite sure can.
Omarosa Is In Hot Water After She Releases A Secret...
- Chief of Staff John Kelly suggests she make a...
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Puts The Final Nail in the Coffin...
- Also known as "a scientist explains obvious things to...
Did Buzz Aldrin Just Admit That The Moon Landings Were...
- Buzz Aldrin answers an eight year old girl's question,...
This Guy Thinks He Might Have Accidentally Recorded a...
- This guy was recording a video of his wife driving her...
Mysterious Carcass Washes Ashore
- This strange blob washed ashore in Mindoro,...
5 Secret Leaked Videos NASA Doesn't Want You To See
- Here are 5 videos NASA probably wishes would just go...
Mysterious Number Printed onto Blueberry
- What is it, genetically modified food? It can't be an...
Russian Government Video Shows Zombies Ripping A Man...
- Has the Russian government been doing real-life tests...
Freaky Audience Members Belong in the Uncanny Valley
- WTF is going on here?
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