Here’s What It’s Like to Rent a Fat Man in Japan
- It looks like fun!
Media videos
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Watch the Japanese Demolish a Building from the Bottom...
- Have they not heard of “just blowing the thing up”?
Watch a Bunch of People Get Stuffed Into Japan’s...
- And you thought your commute sucked!
Tokyo's "Underground Flood Temple" is the Real Life...
- Japan, unlike some countries that will go unnamed, is...
Inside the Japanese Cafe Where Servers Make Fun of You
- Have you ever wanted to be yelled at by a tiny...
Here’s How They Make a Ring for Sumo Wrestlers
- Sumo is a Japanese tradition going back centuries. And...
Japan Got a Costco, and It’s Way Better Than Ours
- The urge to become a weeb grows stronger every day.
Japanese Disney Cultists Fly Halfway Around the World...
- You probably thought Disney adults were a solely...
Japan Is So Hot That They’ve Hired People to Rub Ice...
- Japan is currently experiencing a pretty major heat...
Meet the People in Japan Who Really Want to Be Crips
- Cultural exchange is a beautiful thing.
The “Osaka Bang” Has Japanese People Pretending to...
- Japan has a weird thing where—no, not that weird...
This Japanese 'God of War' Commercial is Something Else
- This is just so Japanese.
Penguins Refuse to Eat Cheap Fish Aquarium Bought to...
- You can tell they are not to pleased with their human...
North Korea Releases Music Video Starring Kim Jong Un...
- North Korea has released a video edit starring Kim...
Shakira's First Encounter With a Camera Phone in Japan
- Back in the early 2000s, camera phones were still very...
Japanese Robot Takes Freethrows at Olympic Halftime
- This stunning new innovation combines the unflinching...
Quick Thinking Streamer Helps Woman Fend Off Her...
- While live streaming in Japan this guy noticed...
New Gundam Gunna Make You Say 'Gun Damn!'
- This robot thicc.
Streamer Finds Out How Used Japanese Panties Really...
- These vending machines were a thing of legend, but...
The Gundam Robot Has Entered Testing Mode
- I want to ride on the Gundam's back.
Hundred Year Old Footage of Tokyo in 1913, Restored...
- This restored footage of Tokyo from the 19th century...
Japan's 'Scream Inside Your Heart' Rollercoaster PSA...
- The new rules as theme parks begin to reopen in Japan...
Jumping Zombie Vampire 'Jiangshi' Movies Are...
- These movies were big in Japan in the 80s and are...
Murder Hornets Are Bad, But Bees "Cooking" Them to...
- If you're worried about the murder hornets coming for...
Guy Opens Beer Bottles like a Weird Ninja
- This guy does some amazing tricks with beer bottles.
Japanese Couple Tries Hot Ones' "The Last Dab" Hot...
- The guy started off very cocky but soon looks as if he...
Man Pets Cat in Park, Quickly Finds Himself Swarmed by...
- I wish my local park had a swarm of free therapy cats...
Taxi Driver Plows into the Passenger He Just Dropped...
- A dude was forced to roll and run from an out of...
Sword Fighting Robots Put Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots To...
- If this is where the future is heading, then sign me...
Video of Japan in 8K Resolution at 60 Frames Per Second
- Shot between 2017-2019 across Japan including...
Dude Shows Up To Japanese Club With A Sax, Brings The...
- Partiers enjoying a set by Detriot Swindle in Nagoya,...
Drunk Dude Jumps Off a Bridge and Lands in a Boat
- Partiers often meet up and mingle atop the Ebisubashi...
Japanese Man Activates God Mode at the Arcade
- A woman playing this Guitar hero style game gets...
Amazon's "Mothership" Renders the Future Before Your...
- A Japanese renderer created a scary vision of the...
Amazing Street Performer Kills it With Dubstep Beat
- Japan internet sensation, bucket drummer MASA with...
Sumo Wrestlers Give Handprint Autographs At Super Speed
- Some efficient autographing.
Conan Learns How to Be a Proper Japanese Person
- Conan learns that their is a a 'Conan Town' in Japan...
Watch Someone Wrap a Present Without Tape or Ribbons
- This should really help if you are too poor or lazy to...
Gut-Wrenching Footage of a Tsunami Hitting The...
- Scary moments as people trapped on the top floor of...
Heartbreaking Drone Footage Shows Lone Bottlenose...
- A dolphin named Honey was left to die at the Inubosaki...
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