Thief Receives Some Bus Driver Justice
- After a botched robbery, this guy gets owned by the...
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Instant Karma For Dangerous Driver
- Guy gets busted after he makes an illegal U-Turn and...
Road Rage Turns Into Instant Karma
- A Russian dashcam shows how one driver turned his road...
Don't Cross The Street Without Looking
- Dirt bike riders suddenly emerge from the woods but...
Instant Karma For An Impatient Driver
- Impatient driver attempted to pass a vehicle through a...
Skater Kid Gets Instant Karma
- That's what he gets for getting lippy.
A Raven Seeks Help From Humans
- This bird lets a woman pull porcupine quills from his...
Road Rage Driver Gets What He Deserves
- Instant karma...gotta love it!
Guy Playing Real Life Grand Theft Auto
- This crazy dude gets hit by a car, and then arrested...
Arrogant Biker Gets Instant Karma
- After passing a car, a biker attempts to show off......
Instant Hockey Karma
- Guy tries to be a bad-ass and ends up owning himself.
Driver Pays The Price For His Impatience
- An impatient driver tries to force his way across an...
Driver Doesn't Stop For School Bus
- Dashcam footage of Insta-Karma.
Good Guy Canadian Biker Helps Woman
- A passerby on a motorcycle spots a disabled woman...
Purse Snatcher Smashes Through Glass Door
- A clumsy criminal takes himself out during an...
Riding A Bicycle Backwards While Texting
- This already sounds like a bad idea...
Instant Karma
- This idiot got what he deserved when he tried to go...
Holocaust Hero Who Saved 600 Kids Gets a Surprise
- He is still alive to this day, 103 years old, must be...
Brett Favre's Week Gets Even Worse
- Karma is a bitch, I wonder if he'll be sending pics of...
Lucky Butterfly
- Butterfly lands on the water only to be snapped up by...
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