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Kid Gets Smacked by a Deer
- It’s a lesson he’ll remember for a lifetime.
Guy Proposes While Child Takes a Piss Behind Him
- Hey, uh, could you do that somewhere else?
Child at Carnival Throws Dart Right Into the Booth...
- Does that mean she gets a prize?
‘Please, No!’: Mom Freaks Out After Daughter...
- One tot decided that treating her mother a bouquet of...
'Give Them a Raise': Construction Workers Fill Up...
- "He gave that kid a core memory."
Kid Unleashes His Inner Rockstar and Slays During...
- I'm not sure those kids understand what he just did....
Kid Drops a Truth Bomb on His Mom After His First Day...
- Time to step your game up Mom.
Kid Has Stern Words For Dog Who Pooped In His Bed
- This young man is learning a hard life lesson. Don't...
As a Kid, This Guy Found a Plot Hole in Full House and...
- This is show built on a house of lies!
Little Girl is Less Than Excited About Her Big...
- This five-year-old has been through some shit, that...
Michael Myers Kid Stays in Character After Beefing it...
- His dedication to the role is inspiring.
Screen Door Closes on Little Kid Who Delivers a Verbal...
- Let's be honest, we've all felt like this at some...
Wholesome Corn Kid Goes Viral For All the Right Reasons
- We hope you're having a corn-tastic day. (that's a...
Tesla Absolutely Trucks Child Dummy in Stoppage Test
- We probably shouldn't be laughing, but come on now,...
Kid Channels His Inner Dave Grohl With Amazing Drum...
- This kid is going places! The singer isn't bad either!
Lifeguard Uses Drone to Rescue Drowning Kid
- What was almost certainly this kid's last day on...
Kid Goes Escalator Sledding Right in Front of Cop
- It's like something from a "Mall Cop" scene.
Sidewalk Karen Smacks Kid For Riding His Bike Is...
- An 80-year-old California woman has been charged with...
Security Camera Footage of the Teen Who Stole Guy...
- Max Wade who was just 16-years-old at the time can be...
This Kid Pranking His Stepdad is Better than Most...
- His stepson can be seen shuffling between rooms behind...
Kid Shoveling Snow Hates His Life So Goddamn Much
- This kid is 100% my vibe.
Kid Tries to F--k Around With Queen's Guard, Finds Out
- Normally, we'd side with the kid, but there are plenty...
Kid Rock's New Single is the Official Keyboard Warrior...
- Kid Rock looks like a GED with legs, and we can't...
WWE Star Randy Orton Keeps Young Fan Safe in Crowd
- Wrestling stars have their share of controversies and...
Aaron Rodgers Throws a Bomb and Nails a Guy Right in...
- To be fair, the dude yelled "hit me, I'm open" so...
Towering 11-Year-Old Lineman Terrorizes Opponents
- What the f**k is in the water over in West Philly?
Garbage Man Jumps off Truck to Save Child
- Not all heroes wear capes! This garbage man literally...
Kid Accidentally NAILS his Dad in the Head with a...
- This wholesome dad took a second to collect himself...
Helplessly Drunk Driver Hands Cop Everything But Her...
- This cop in Canada pulls over a suspected DUI driver...
Scarlett Johansson's First Paid Acting Gig Was with...
- Back when Conan was just starting his own career in...
2-Year-Old Solves 'Trolley Problem' Ethics Experiment...
- This kid is goin' places.
Baby Formula Beer Bong Is about to Be the Next Big...
- "Damn bro, where'd you learn to drink like that?"
Idiot Gets KO'd by Manhole Cover After Dropping...
- A sewer cover goes flying into the air after this guy...
13-Year-Old Drumming Prodigy Better Than Most Seasoned...
- At just 13 years old, Dominic McNabb is well on his...
Bouncer Tells the Story of a Goth Kid Who Beat Up 4...
- **Contains some hilarious yet NSFW language.** I’m...
Having a Dog Eat Your Homework Doesn't Turn Out to Be...
- How many people used this excuse as kids?
Anti-Gun Santa Makes Kid Cry After He Says "No Nerf...
- Santa ruins this kid's day when he says "pick another...
Toddler Attempts to Trick Mom Into Saying F-Word
- Lil' man really does try his absolute best to get his...
Kid's Answer to Math Problem Is Brutal But Accurate
- He ain't wrong!
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