5 Movie Universes Secretly Much Weirder Than You'd...
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Testing How Much Damage 'Home Alone' Traps Would Do in...
- Kevin McAllister is a sadistic little freak.
'Dune' Got Remade With Just $20 and It's Absolutely...
- Denis Villeneuve's "DUNE" remake with Timothée...
Behind the Scenes Footage from 'Star Wars: The Empire...
- Mark Hamill debuts the Tauntaun dance.
4 Secret Sociopaths Hiding In Your Favorite Movies
- There are bunch of secret nut jobs hiding in some of...
LL Cool J's Song For 'Deep Blue Sea' Is So Bad, His...
- Dude, stop, your hat is *NOT* a shark fin.
What Is The Worst Part Of Living In 'THE MATRIX'?
- Which side would you rather live in?
Someone Synced Tenacious D's 'Wonderboy' to 'Star...
- I did not expect it to line up so perfectly.
Someone Remade The 'Tenet' Trailer With a $20 Budget...
- It's probably too dangerous to go see Christopher...
Go inside Leatherface's House in 'Call of Duty' for a...
- This is one of the cooler parts of the game's...
Is Michael Bay's Armageddon Is A Transformers Prequel?
- So how the hell do the scientists in Michael Bay’s...
Comedian Demonstrates Why Bond Girls Aren't SJW-Types
- It just doesn't fit the vibe, does it?
How Bodysuits Are Designed To Look Realistic In Movies
- **Spoiler Alert: Contains footage from the new Bill...
Footage from the 1973 Premiere of ‘the Exorcist’...
- Some people consider 'The Exorcist' to be the scariest...
Marvel's Tribute to Chadwick Boseman
- Wakanda forever.
Jumping Zombie Vampire 'Jiangshi' Movies Are...
- These movies were big in Japan in the 80s and are...
Guy Nails What's so Annoying about Video Games in...
- Are they trying to wrestle the controller into a...
4 Bizarre Movie Tropes And Their Super Weird...
- "Have you ever wondered why Keanu Reeves really loves...
4 Types of Movie Plots That Only Work If the Whole...
- Our friends at Cracked.com have launched a new video...
Guy Reveals How "Hook" Made Its Technicolor Imaginary...
- If you were a kid when this movie came out, you never...
Keanu Reeves' Training for 'John Wick 3' Was Seriously...
- The action sequences in 'John Wick 3' were absolutely...
Slate Girl on 'Inglorious Bastards' is Absolutely...
- Geraldine Brezca (2nd Assistant Camera) is known as...
Slate Girl on 'Inglorious Bastards' is Absolutely...
- Geraldine Brezca (2nd Assistant Camera) is known as...
Jared Leto Stars as Spiderman Villain 'Morbius'
- The appearance of Michael Keaton (who played Vulture...
Joaquin Phoenix Does Multiple Versions of Joker's...
- It's interesting to see the other directions this...
Unreleased 'Fantastic Four' Movie From 1994 Looks as...
- This film was literally only made to keep the...
Official 'Black Widow' Trailer Sees Scarlett Johansson...
- 'Black Widow' hits theaters May 1, 2020, and I cannot...
Tom Hiddleston Reacts to His Own Audition Tape Trying...
- I'm really glad things shook out the way they did,...
Will Ferrell Gets Distracted by Ryan Reynolds, Can't...
- I feel like seeing Deadpool in the audience would...
Joaquin Phoenix Got Shook by This Expletive-Laden...
- Joaquin Phoenix has a reputation for being a very...
New 'Birds of Prey' Trailer Showcases the Emancipation...
- Margot Robbie is bringing some serious sizzle to the...
That Time Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger...
- A funny interview from 2014 where Sly and Arnie roast...
Shia LaBeouf Talks About Life On Hot Ones With Sean...
- Shia LaBeouf might be the most down to Earth person in...
Leslie Nielsen Farting During an Interview in 2003...
- A classic clip from an interview in 2003 where the...
This Compilation of Insane Stunts From The Silent...
- Half of these stunts would never even be attempted...
Even Without CGI Mad Max: Fury Road is Impressive as...
- George Miller's oscar-nominated film included...
Ben Affleck's Commentary For The "Armageddon" DVD Is...
- "Armageddon" was absolutely riddled with idiotic plot...
Joaquin Phoenix is Terrifying as The Joker in JOKER
- Will Joaquin be the scariest Joker?
The Best Acting Performance in History
- The greatest actor to ever live gives a tense...
The Video You Need to Watch Before You See Avengers:...
- 21 movies over a 10 year period, there are a lot of...
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