Crazy Woman Thrown Into Pool Twice
- A scene chalked full of wtf and chaos.
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A Bad Idea: Liquid Nitrogen Pool Party
- A Jagermeister party in Mexico turns from fun to...
Jeep Vs. A Swimming Pool
- A guy jumps his jeep off a ramp, into a swimming pool!
Pool Jump Doesn't Go As Planned
- Instead of clearing the pool, he gave himself a...
Snooker Match Audience Member Farts
- Crowd participation?
Sexy Pool Party
- Everyone looks good coming out of the water!
Don't Stand Up On Slides
- An idiot slips and slams his head onto a pool side...
Don't Be A Drunk Around The Pool
- A tipsy guy goes end over end into a half empty pool!
Awesome Pool Shot Projection Display
- Seems kind of like cheating to me...
Socially Awkward Penguin In Real Life
- Tries to gracefully dive into pool, belly flops in...
Diver Does A Back-flop
- Dressing the part doesn't guarantee the experience!
Skipper Predicts Superbowl XLVII Winner
- I guess I don't have to watch the game now...
Flow Rider Surfer Knocks Himself Out
- Someone might want to grab him before he drowns...
Swimming Pool Double Fail
- Guy A hits his head while being thrown in, and guy B...
How Not to Kayak
- This was just a terrible idea from the start!
Pool Sliding Faceplant
- At least he made it...with his face.
Having Fun At The Mall
- Third level jump into a pool!
Roof To Pool Jump
- Nice back-flop bro!
When Did This Become A Good Idea?
- That was a close one!
Pool Jump Attempt
- Swim it off champ.
Frozen Pool Jump Fail
- That water looks mighty cold bro...
Jet Ski Double Backflip In Pool
- Wild fun!!
Fat Man Attempts Getting Out of Jacuzzi
- He was so close...
Cat Being Chased By Dog Surfs To Safety
- A cat displays his quick thinking and agility by...
Bartender's Trick Shot
- Nicely played!
Bartender's Trick Shot
- Nicely played!
Stephan Feck: Worst Dive Of The Olympics
- Score 0 and he came in dead last overall - What The...
Drunk Diving Board Fail
- Attempted drunk stunt turns into a good old fail.
Backflip Pool Fail
- Painful backflip attempt.
Don't Jump In The Pool After Eating
- Spalding...no!
Backyard Pool Surprise
- Waking up one morning and finding a bear swimming in...
Pool Jump Fail
- Fat guy on a plastic chair never ends well.
Crazy Free-diver Has Amazing Skills
- Guillaume NĂ©ry can dive to the bottom of the world's...
Roof Jump Into Kiddie Pool
- I have to wonder if alcohol was involved...
Synchronized Swimming Fail
- The synchronization was a little off.
Gyroscopic Self-leveling Pool Table
- Gyroscopic self leveling pool table on a cruise ship....
Pool Prank Goes Horribly Wrong
- 300 lb man does the Triple Lendy
Unbelievable Pool Trickshots
Epic Diving Board Fail
- Little kid gets absolutely owned by diving board
Hidden Water Pool
- Do want for Christmas.
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