Orphanage Robbery Prank
- A "robbery" leaves this orphanage with brand new...
Media videos
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Epic Girlfriend Pranks (Parody)
- One man's compilation of his "epic" pranks on his...
Monster Mirror Halloween Prank
- Face tracking software and a bathroom mirror make for...
Harmless Scare Prank Turns Sour
- Poor sport can't take a joke.
Cruel Parents Tell Son He Has Ebola
- These parents prank their son into thinking he's...
Doing Drugs At The Gym Prank
- Two guys freak people out while doing (fake) drugs at...
Killer Toddler - Prank
- Hilarious reactions as a toddler scares the crap out...
The Scary Snowman Is Back For Halloween
- The snowman comes to life and gives people walking by...
Pumpkin Patch Killer Prank
- Just when you thought it was safe to pick pumpkins...
Magic Trick Leaves This Guy Mind-Blown
- The "instant cannoli" magic trick from the TV show...
'These Men Are Clearly Murderers' Prank
- Remi Gaillard offers a new hidden camera special for...
Zombie Homicide Prank
- A murder victim turns into a zombie and scares the...
Friday The 13th Halloween Scare Prank
- The prankster in this terrifying video reenacts the...
The Haunted Photo-booth Prank
- These bar patrons get a little surprise during their...
Terrifying Prank
Chainsaw Massacre Prank
- People flee as a masked maniac cuts up a man in the...
Silly Scarecrow Prank
- People get a scary surprise from this seemingly...
Blowing Girls Clothes Off - Prank
- Funny reactions when a sneeze blows the clothes right...
Hot Chick Gold Digger Exposed By Prank
- A few dollar bills can magically change some people's...
Don't Joke About Ebola On An Airplane
- A man sneezes on a plane and yells Sorry, I came from...
Severed Hand Prank
- MagicofRahat is back, this time he's scaring people...
Scaring College Dudes With A Fake Chair
- Rich Ferguson disguises himself as a chair and scares...
Zombies In Real LIfe - Halloween Prank
- Don't worry, they're friendly, just looking for a...
Zombies In Real LIfe - Halloween Prank
- Don't worry, they're friendly, just looking for a...
Halloween Scare Prank Compilation
- A short clip with some great reactions to scare pranks.
Halloween Scare Prank Compilation
- A short clip with some great reactions to scare pranks.
Drive Thru Alien Chestburster Prank
- Everyone's favorite magician / prankster Rahat is back...
Funny Japanese Cream Prank
- A table opens up and delivers a swift and brutal shot...
Car Accident Wakeup Prank
- This is the perfect way to wind up your friend if he...
Scaring College Girls With A Fake Chair
- Rich Ferguson disguises himself as a chair and scares...
Replaced At Work Prank
- Jimmy Kimmel pulls a hidden camera prank on his...
Scary Dead Girl Prank
- Funny reactions when people come face to face with...
Lamborghini Poop Prank Goes Wrong
- Taking a poop on a Lambo gets one prankster tazed.
Virtual Reality Gorilla Prank
- A virtual reality gorilla suddenly becomes not so...
Prank Makes Old Lady Question Her Sanity
- A somewhat cruel but hilarious prank leaves this...
Prankster Accidentally Gets Scalper Busted
- Cops spot a scalper trying to sell some tickets and...
Flesh Eating Zombie Attack Prank
- People run for they lives when they spot a zombie...
How To Scare Your Mom
- Seems like an effective method.
Broken Arm Scare Prank
- Riley went around grossing girls out by dislocating...
Broken Arm Scare Prank
- Riley went around grossing girls out by dislocating...
Drowning Baby Prank
- A man just wants a picture with his baby when suddenly...
eBaum's Picks