Awesome Bag of Cement Prank
- first day on the job?
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The Tickle Bug Prank
- Tickle Bugs! Tickle Bugs!
Troll Soccer Player Owns His Team Mate
- He better watch his back when they hit the showers.
Toilet Prank
- I don't think the door had a lock on it...
Fake Celebrity Prank In New York City
- Guy fools people in Times Square into thinking he's a...
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Pink
- A Facebook prank war gets personal.
Scare Prank Goes Wrong
- I think that guy crapped his pants!
Broken iMac Prank
- Watch how people react when a new iMac is dropped.
Scary Prank FAIL
- Accidentally funny.
Trust Fall On Strangers Prank
- Before anyone thinks about it, please do not make this...
Boy Gets Owned By Parents
- You have to admit he took it with dignity.
Sleeping Prank
- This is what happens when you prank people, craziness.
Holding People's Hands Chick Version
- Hilarious!
Soviet Russia - The Prank
- It's almost like a Russian version of Simon Says.
Bus Prank Ends Badly For The Pranksters
- This stunt was probably a poor idea.
Dudes Pull Prank On Friend
- Enjoy your wake up call!
Manure Faceplant
- No alcohol? Your friends will help you get poofaced.
The Simplest Prank Ever
- Like a charm.
Guy Makes Wig From His Own Hair Prank
- He pranks all his closest friends...
Toilet Paper Gun Prank
- Say hello to my little freind!
Irish Caller Gets Fresh With Tv Psychic
- A TV psychic gets a call from the Fresh Prince!
Epic Shake Weight Prank
- Just working out, bro...
Jimmy Kimmel Hooks Kid Up To Fake Lie Detector
- Poor kid spills the beans.
Jimmy Kimmel Hooks Kid Up To Fake Lie Detector
- Poor kid spills the beans.
The Biggest Jerk Ever!!!
- Even Remi Gaillard saluted this guy.
Holding Random People's Hand Prank
- The awkward college pranksters at LAHWF are back with...
Disney Is Hiding Things
- Some hidden images in Disney films.
Pine-Sol Lady Terrorizes Customers
- Don't mess with the Pine-Sol.
Horrified Tenant Finds Peephole in the Shower
- Landlord accused of being Peeping Tom and Fapper!
Tack Ball...
- .....Wait for it.
Firecracker In a Blunt Prank
- It's that chronic!
This Iraqi Guy Loves His Job
- A little too much!
Fake Treasure Chest Prank At Venice Beach
- Some dudes pull a prank pretending to un-bury a...
Epic Pee Prank - Arrested Edition
- Guy pretends to pee in public. Gets arrested.
Blackface 2nd Grader Stirs Controversy
- Blackface kid dresses as Martin Luther King Jr. for...
Hot Girlfriend Lottery Prank!!
- Trolled.
Hot Girlfriend Lottery Prank!!
- Trolled.
Your vs. You're
- Somebody That I Used To Know Remix...
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