Hit With A Flashbang While Pooping
- The only thing worse than bubble-gut, is getting hit...
Media videos
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- i think he misjudged it by just a little
Explicit Cone-ing
- truly the sexiest of all cone-ing methods. Submit your...
Guy Smears Dog Poop on Owner
- something smells like crap
Spider Saran Wrap Prank
- The poor guy will probably never use a public restroom...
Man Eats Candy and Goes Berserk
- Crazy, talented beat-boxer harasses stunned mall-goers!
Monsters ARE REAL
- 0:40 for constant lol's
Where's The Little Girl?
- Just the cops doing their jobs.
A Mixed Bag Of Fail!!!
- Ultimate Fail Compilation
How to Prank Your Friend at the Beach
- A nice cold beer and I think that could be quite...
Chameleon vs. iPhone
- A chameleon is frightened by an iPhone...
Chameleon vs. iPhone
- A chameleon is frightened by an iPhone...
How Not To Throw a Molotov Cocktail!
- At least he was smart enough to stand in water!
Benny The Bull's Day At The Mall
- Mess with Benny and you'll get the horns.
Hard Faceplant From a Nasty Hammock Prank
- Friends aint shit
Best Prank's Compilation
- Full of people being scared to death, throwing up from...
Will Ferrell Bloopers
- he is the best
Best Game Show Prank EVER!!!!
- LMAO is so appropriate for this video. Wait for it.
Bad Spider Man
- Like Spider Man, if Spider Man roamed the streets...
Older Brother Soccer Headshot
- I remember doing stuff like this....
Farting Prank Goes Wrong
- Y u mad tho?
Troy Polamalu Gets His Hair Cut
- A teammate cuts Polamalu's $1 million locks off.
Cock Blocking Rocket
- A guy is about to get lucky until his friends launch...
Tom Green Created Planking - 1994
- now the whole world is fucked
Get Yo Hands Off Me Woman!
- this sea lion has some sweet moves
Smelly Finger Prank
- Hey, smell my finger.
Trolling a News Reporter
- Clark Kent gets his five seconds of fame.
Crazy Guy Harrassing Bums in Miami
- They don't appreciate it. Original creators channel...
Planking Fail
- Idots should never trust other idiots
Fail-O-Rama! ...Eat It
- fail compilation of june, accompanied by the rants of...
Lab Puppy Dreaming
- Awwwww...
Scary Wake Up Prank
- funny reaction!
2 Guys Stuck at DFW
- Guys get stuck overnight, and decided to make a video.
Lion Tries to Eat Baby
- Damn!
Never Ending Shampoo Prank
- Whiny little kid.
Drive Thru Floating Money
- I'm a wizard.
Jigsaw Prank
- Haha...that kid shit his pants
- A UFC fan heckles Joe Rogan while on stage at the...
Rugby Player Owned
- Wait for it...
Hot Girl in Bikini on Chatroulette
- ...and the perverts who watch
eBaum's Picks