Sea Lions Chase Off Beach Goers and Terrorize Children...
- "It’s their spot. Respect the seals,"...
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Seal Goes Nuts, Starts Randomly Chasing and Attacking...
- This seal at Clifton Beach in South Africa creates...
Killer Whales Are Way Too F**king Smart and It’s...
- Orcas or Killer Whales, are incredibly smart. This...
Seals Splashing in Tub Is Wholesome Good Time
- Forget about the dumpster fire burning around us and...
Take a Look Inside a Fish Market on the Galapagos...
- Pelicans, and seals, and iguanas! Oh my! It's a mother...
Trucker Loses His Chill While Reviewing Freightliner...
- He knows when he's been had.
Fisheries and Oceans Minister Hit in the Face with a...
- Police charged a PETA member with assault after she...
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