These ‘3 Dads and a Super Nanny’ Are Deeply...
- These kids have three dads and a nanny — and I have...
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Boyfriend Attempts TikTok Dance, Clocks Girlfriend in...
- H-O-T-T-O-G-O, your boyfriend hit you in the throat!
This Guide to Sitting Down Goes Unnecessarily Hard
- Are you bad at sitting down? If so, uh, how?
Woman’s Attempt to Boil Crayfish Ends With Her...
- Shellfish are one of few animals that we cook to kill...
Dude Spills Blue Cheese On His Car, Accidentally...
- The thing about mold is that, once it starts growing,...
Welcome to the Unhinged World of Cartel TikTok
- It’s pretty fun to watch, so long as you can ignore...
Dude Eats an Entire Head of Lettuce for Lunch...
- When on the job site, it can be hard to find a healthy...
Influencer’s Thirst Trap Ruined When Random Woman...
- When coming across an influencer posting a thirst...
The Olympic Anti-Sex Beds Also Suck for Sleeping
- All of this would be okay if the beds worked....
WaterToker’s Creation Isn’t Even Water Anymore
- If you’re not familiar with WaterTok, this is a...
TikTokers Now Think Gypsy Rose Was Faking It
- If you don’t remember the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case,...
We Would Rather Die Than Be Part of this Company’s...
- Social media has us all debasing ourselves in one way...
House Arrest TikTok is Out of This World (But Inside...
- There’s not much to do when you’re on house arrest.
No Sandpaper Needed: Man Sands Block of Wood with Just...
- Sandpaper’s roughness is measured in numbers—the...
People Think a 30-Year-Old Man Is Trapped Inside This...
- Sometimes a video will go viral and for most people...
Prepper Shows Off All His Useless Gadgets That He'll...
- If your hobby is prepping for a zombie apocalypse, I...
Man Endures the Ultimate Test of Pain Tolerance While...
- We see your "stepping on a Lego" and raise you...
Woman Calls Cops on Creepy Man Standing In Field...
- This has to be one of our worst nightmares.
Dad Convinced He Can Touch the Ceiling With His Head...
- Bro wasn't even close, but that's okay beacuse he...
International Student Buys Porsche in the Middle of...
- "Just international student things," reads one of the...
'She Tried to Hook Up With My Husband!': 93-Year-Old...
- One TikTok-ing grandma proved that beef doesn’t...
'Girl Dinner': Women Play Hot Dog On a String Game
- "China is using TikTok to steal our data!" The data:
Curling Irons, Glasses and Umbrellas: TikToker Offers...
- Though typically applied to old-school internet cats,...
‘Over-Boated’: Party Boat Sinks as Passengers...
- Earlier this week, TikTok boat page Wavy Boats took to...
After Being Caged Her Whole Life Vanilla the Chimp Saw...
- It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the sky?
The 'Snackle Box' Food Trend Is a Great Reminder to...
- Food trends on the internet are always delightfully...
TikToker Pranks Parents By Swapping Fridge With Paid...
- Earlier this month TikTok prankster Corbin Millet went...
Can A TikTok Sound Really Help You Beat the Summer...
- Looking to beat the heat this summer? All you need is...
'There's No Sleight of Hand': The Glizzy Gobbler Is...
- The Glizzy Gobbler is back.
'Ur Getting Punched': The Painful Meaning Behind...
- Happy punching, kids.
'People Pleaser' Jungle Juice is a 10-Gallon Jug of...
- "Does it have alcohol in it?" the TikTok user ask...
'Raccoon Drive-Thru': Raccoons Rate Their Favorite...
- The standout dishes were grapes, eggs, and cat food.
TikTok Rapper Britt Barbie Just Released the Worst Rap...
- There is no debate about it, this is the worst rap...
TikToker Got Out of Going to Church by Building a...
- Why go to church when you could just build a Minecraft...
Mom Slammed For Holding Up Drive-Thru after Letting...
- People on TikTok were not pleased with this mother...
I Need a TikTok Farrier to Shave a Chunk of My Brain...
- TikTok, like Reddit, is full of smaller communities...
Fuck Wasp Spray, Just Cut Wasps In Half With Scissors
- This guy is on his Mr. Miyagi shit.
Woman Defends Her Husband For Watching Football While...
- Earlier this week, TikToker @amber_louisetilley...
TikTokers Are Hunting For the Austin Serial Killer
- Ken Waks has become TikTok's resident expert on all...
‘If I Were a Fish’: TikTok’s Fish Song Will Be...
- Amassing more than 2.1 million likes since hitting the...
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