Careless Lady Causes Multi-Car Accident
- Looks like the truck just kept going.
Media videos
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Douche in a Corvette Gets an Attitude Adjustment by a...
- A diesel truck smokes out a corvette after the driver...
Truck Full of Poop Puts out a Raging Fire
- That truck driver is having a sh*tty day!
West Virginian Triggered by a Sticker of Afghanistan's...
- He was tailgating the camera guy for miles before this...
Drunk Russians Try To Load Truck But Fail Miserably
- Loading gas cylinders on to a Russian truck rolls in...
Felonious Teenager Intentionally Wrecks Walmart
- A 19 year-old El Dorado man is facing multiple felony...
This Headless Rattlesnake is Still Alive and Angry
- This guy was working on his farm when he noticed a...
Idiot Steals Semi-Trailer Truck and Gets What's Coming...
- Instant karma may be real.
Terrifying Accident Shows the Importance of those...
- You may never notice bollards, but they might save...
Drifting UHaul "Commercial" Is Guerilla Marketing At...
- Just don't try to return it without filling the tank!
Lifted Truck With A Fog Horn Is Oozing With...
- I think we found the world's smallest penis folks.
Biker's Helmet Saves His Life in a Way He Never...
- This was almost his last ride and a very gnarly scene.
This Burning Truck Full of Deodorant will Put You in a...
- From the popping noises you can tell deodorant...
Crazy Dude With Deathwish Jumps In Front of an...
- Guy temps fate with insane stunt on the highway..
Homeowner Catches Men Robbing His House, Takes Matters...
- Nothing like coming home from work and finding some...
Disgusting Meat Truck will Have You Worrying About...
- Somebody call the health inspector.
Suicide Attempt Cut Short By 13 Semi Trucks
- A line of 13 trucks with assistance from Michigan...
Why Piggly Wiggly's Eggs are Always Broken
- It's because they hire this kind of truck driver.
Don't-Give-a-F*ck Dump Truck Driver Goes Straight into...
- Not sure if the driver thought he could actually clear...
Satellite Dish Gets The Last Laugh After Being Removed
- Sometimes the satellite dish fights back!
Gnarly Super Trucks Race Finish Will Have You on the...
- This epic finish paints truck racing in a whole new...
Workers Wanted to Rescue this Truck, but Instead Made...
- This recovery crew done messed up big time.
Driver Chased by Cops Has the Bright Idea to Go into a...
- This madman driver thought he was slick. The trucker...
Truck Gets T-Boned and Flips After Running A Red Light...
- A freak accident caught on camera shows the dangers of...
Truck Driver Destroys Car While Taking a Sharp Turn
- The irony is that this was shot in front of a driving...
RAM Stretched the Truth in that MLK Ad, and Here’s...
- Spoilers: Martin Luther King Jr. didn't want you to...
Oblivious Girl Comes INCHES From Sudden Death
- She starts to cross the road without looking and is...
The 11 Foot 8 Inch Bridge Claims Another Victim
- The (embarrassed) driver fled the scene of the...
Dealership Tells Man That His Ford F-250 Isn't...
- That has got to be big the biggest load of bullshit I...
Idiot Antifa Wannabe Runs into Traffic and Gets...
- Antifa protester who was harassing a "March For Jesus"...
Watch This 200 Foot Long Truck Make This Right Turn
- Now that is the most impressive thing I've seen all...
Pickup Truck BJ Fail
- This doesn't go to plan.
Dump Truck Takes Out Freeway Sign Going Full Speed
- Ok, which one of you idiots hired this idiot?
Semi Truck Stalls On Tracks, And Train Has No Way Of...
- It never stood a chance.
Justin Bieber Runs Over A Paparazzo With His Monster...
- Fresh out of a church service Justin Beiber almost...
Clever Little Toy From Japan Will Make You Smile
- Ingenious design makes for fun toy.
The Dangerous Wobble Of Death
- This is a common issue when steering components become...
Naked Lady Steals Police Truck
- I guess you could say he was...'booby' trapped!
New Tow Truck Can Load A Car In 1 Minute
- Pick up a car and tow it away in under a minute, no...
Clever New Tow Truck Design Makes Repossession A Breeze
- Now this is how you tow, maximum effectiveness minimal...
eBaum's Picks