What if Pulp Fiction Had a Laugh Track?
- It would prob go something like...
Media videos
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As Seen On TV Dummies
- the awful actors that portray how nobody acts so you...
Race Car Loses Both Front Wheels
- The F1 car loses it's wheels after the suspension fails
Plane Gets Hit by Lightning
- joey...you ever watch gladiator movies, that would...
Crazy Video of Earthquake
- poolside security camera footage of the quake in...
Crazy Kitty vs. Its Tail
- who will win?
Sexy Mug Making
- She can't possibly be oblivious to jacking off clay
Fan Attacks Player
- You better not celebrate anywhere in this guy's...
Obama Fan
- oh you all are gonna really love this..only in America
Human Lungs Breathe on Life Support
- lungs hooked up to a breathing machine kept fresh...
Hollow Face Illusion Dragon Stop Motion
- Rock On...
Real Life Super Heros
- New York's own cape crusaders.
Epic Boobs Yoga
- With an instructor like her, the boyfriends will be...
WTF Exercise Machine
- It doesn't get any more lazy than this.
Double Skateboard Nut Cracker
- nice bandanna!
Switch Flip To Nuts
- i think this guy enjoyed it.
Bipedal Cat
- The evolution of normal cats.
Dad Fail
- no he's not alright, he fell 1 foot!!
The Ultimate Dunk Contest Fail
- He knew it was going to be his last dunk...so he...
Japanese WTF Commercials Compilation
- Keywords are: boobs and ice cream.
Contestant Can't Add
- She needs to play more Blackjack......
Chicken Police Break Up Bunny Fight
- I would of never guessed.
Girl Chair Jump Fail
- this dad knew exactly what he was doing
Lady Gets Caught Trying to Scam Court
- This was too funny. She presented her evidence of a...
Undisputed Evidence of a UFO Sighting
- ........according to these news anchors.
Bus Explodes In Training Exercise
- yeah, he lives
Auntie Driver Parking Fail
- with subtitles!
Japanese Female Reporter Gets Tasered
School Girl With Rubber Arms
- I find this really disturbing.
The Most WTF Costume Of All Time
- If you like Silent Hill and your girlfriend keeps...
Oblivious Driver Crashes Into Rock Slide
- does he have man boobs?
Blind Soldier Learns To "See" With His Tongue
- Craig Lundberg has become the first soldier to test a...
Lion King Toy Fail
- Might need a re-design!
Entrance WIN
- this is usually what I do every time I walk into a...
Trade In Your Bible For Porn?
- It's hard to believe, but true. An atheist group will...
Brad Paisley Faceplant
- A wasted Brad Paisley falls face first during concert.
Idiot Driver Almost Kills Grandpa!
- Driver hits ladder with man on it not once, not twice,...
Women's Basketball Punch
- Officials ejected Baylor University star Brittney...
Double Miracle Shot
- it's double over time and Davidson is down 3, after...
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