Lockup - Inside Spring Creek Alaska Correctional...
- This Guy explains how he became the most Violent...
Media videos
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Guido-Hop Music Video
- This has to be a life shattering experience for the...
Guy Has WEIRD Voice
- Listen to the extraordinary voice of Li Wenxing, a 52...
Chimp Attack 911 Call and news cast
- Connecticut police release the 911 call reporting the...
Slayers number one Fan
- This is the super fan of death metal! But seems to...
Japanese Woman Wacked Out on Drugs
- At one point, she looks like she's trying to shake her...
Fling Out Your Dead
- Human trebuchet launches people into net.
World Record Watermelon Smashing Attempt
- This guy tries to break the world record for most...
Holy Cow
- To study the rumen of cows pre-stomach of a ruminant,...
- Well, this is a little bit weird to say the least,...
Strange Mom Still Breastfeeds Her 6-Year-Old
- How bizzare is this? WTF!
Magic Dating
- It would certainly be one heck of a magic trick if...
I'm Horny........now this is sexy!
- Every guys dream is in this clip, a hot chick bouncing...
Spongebob Sickpants
- Spongebob, the adult version.
Deformed Guy With Inverted Knee Caps
- That's something you don't see every day.
"I Love Litte Girls" - The Pedophile Theme Song
- Looks like the 80's needed Chris Hansen worse than we...
Creepy Dog Has Bizzare Bark
- What the hell is wrong with this thing?
Weird Chick
- This is slightly creepy
Charles Manson Sings
- In this News report Manson sings, the report also...
Man Time Travels And Has Proof
- Real or fake? I believe him...
Mom Finds Son Beheaded
- Why Is She So Calm?
Birthday Clown vs Dad
- People need to really check out these guys before they...
Rock From Mars
- This video makes me want to take a crap!
Scientists Might Create Black Hole
- Some scientists in Switzerland are using an atom...
Schizo Does Salvia
- LoL....this guy has the trip of a life time' and never...
Insane Fight Scene
- This is one of the more violent and crazy fight scenes...
Bathroom Honesty
- Awkward bathroom use at the office
- Wake up Gary!
Girl Laughs So Hard She Pees Her Pants
- At least she didn't go number 2 on herself....or her...
Goat Yells For His Mom
- Listen to this crazy goat call for his mom!
Touch My Body - By Little Kid
- Something about this video is just a little too creepy.
Little Dog Attacks Cat
- Be very careful not to go too far next time....
Public Access Dance
- I don't know what's going on here, but wish I was...
WayBack WHENsday: Reporter Goes Ghetto
- Classic: Reporter loses it when a bug flies in his...
Great Fighting Video From The 80s
- "We're gonna put your front teeth way back into your...
Pencil Face
- Can someone let us know what the hell is going on in...
Kid Eats Tarantula
- That is the most disgusting thing i have seen in a...
Eating Live Frog
- This guy eats a frog while its heart is still beating...
Mini Hillary Clinton
- A smaller, creepier version of Hillary Clinton.
Easter Flogging
- I think I'll just stick with the ham..
eBaum's Picks