'Super Genius' Asks Elon Musk If He Can Be On The...
- What did this guy think would happen?
Media videos
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A Breakdown Of The Assassination And Dismemberment of...
- Jamal Khashoggi was a contributor at the Washington...
A Breakdown Of The Assassination And Dismemberment of...
- Jamal Khashoggi was a contributor at the Washington...
Aussie Doesn't Realize Snowbank Has Turned To Solid...
- I can't get over the sounds he makes after the wind is...
The Las Vegas Review Journal Has Been Accused Of...
- This in-depth review of the October 1st shooting in...
Tesla Driver Caught Sleeping At The Wheel While Going...
- It was a frightening scene for one witness on the Mass...
"You're Nervous" Officer Points Her Gun at a Man's...
- A Sacramento police officer pointed her gun at...
Musical Madman Plays Pachelbel's "Canon in D" Using...
- This guy is one part "musical genius" and two parts...
Joe Rogan Gets Fed Up With A Rude Neil deGrasse Tyson...
- Is Neil deGrasse Tyson the most annoying person on the...
Bride Doesn't Realize Groom Is Wearing A Mic,...
- Ahhh, memories.
Painful Footage of a Mountain Biker Who Didn't Wear...
- Disturbing video of a woman covered in prickly...
Crane Collapses in Downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia as...
- Cellphone footage captured the moment Hurricane...
Woman Says The Perfect Man Is Someone Who Lasts More...
- And her boyfriend takes notice. Sorry buddy.
Woman Caught Stealing Tips Shoves Them Up Her Fanny
- Oh the things people will do when they think no one is...
Out of Control Hoarder Becomes a Local Tourist...
- One Queens, New York, resident has a tower of trash in...
Man Interviews New Zealand's Most Notorious Gang About...
- New Zealand Today, (a comedic investigation program...
Bears Coordinate a Rescue of Their Friend with the...
- This is some circle of life crap.
Helicopter Fly-Over Shows Hurricane Dorian's...
- Aerial chopper footage of total devastation to the...
Burger King Manager Struggles to Fire a Stubborn Lady
- This lady isn't ready to be fired from Burger King,...
Girl's "Goose Laugh" Is Oddly Hilarious
- Can you imagine what she must be like at a comedy show?
Wife Storms The Dance Floor When She Sees Her Husband...
- A man on vacation had a little too much fun for his...
Suicidal Mouse Jumps into Deep Fryer at Whataburger in...
- Ok, who ordered the Mickey special, extra crispy?
British Tourist Picks Fight With Moroccan Chicken...
- A British tourist picks a fight with a chicken seller...
Woman on a Scooter Runs Into the Same Pedestrian, Twice
- A lady who is clearly new to driving scooters hits a...
Tampa Bucket Drummer Plays a One Handed Drumroll that...
- Chris Harris a Bucket Drummer "street performer" in...
Twitch Streamer OnlyUseMeBlade Gets Grilled by Chris...
- A livestream went viral when viewers became outraged...
TV Host Apologizes After Comparing Black Colleague To...
- During a segment about a local zoo, KOCO Oklahoma's...
The Greatest News Bloopers from The Month Of August
- A collection of funny and WTF moments from local and...
Brazilian Skaters Catch Thief Who Stole From An Old...
- They caught up to him right quick and laid the...
Sport Caster Confused After It Seems Like His Co-Host...
- "Excuse me?" the Twins announcer messed up when...
Social Security Scammers Don't Realize They're Talking...
- A robo-caller hit the police station in Apex, NC and...
Mom Watches as Her Daughter Sends Her Baby Brother to...
- Quinn is savage AF, y'all. Three siblings at a foam...
Lady Goes from Insulting a Cop to "I'm a Woman Please...
- Officers assigned to the Devonshire division responded...
"Death Diving" Championship is a Brutal Norwegian Sport
- Norway's Death Diving is a brutal way to get in the...
How Police Caught The BTK Killer
- Dennis Rader, known as the BTK (bind, torture, kill)...
Pest Control Veteran Cannot Believe the Infestation...
- When a stone cold veteran is shocked and appalled.
Pissed-Off Colts Fans Boo Andrew Luck Out of the...
- Andrew Luck unexpectedly retired from the NFL...
Woman Slaps Her Boyfriend After She Finds Him with his...
- Dang! Do you think she's mad bro?
Dude Gets a Complete Makeover on Only Half of His Body
- Chas, a host on the tv show "Tech Talk" has half his...
Guy Got More Than He Bargained for When He Took His...
- Who exactly took who for a walk here?
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