
Woman Celebrates President’s Day By Slapping Every Single Commander-in-Chief in the Face

 After decades of mattress sales, clothing sales, car sales and more mattress sales, one patriot discovered a new way to commemorate Presidents’ Day: Slapping nearly every single POTUS in the face.


After decades of mattress sales, clothing sales, car sales and more mattress sales, one patriot discovered a new way to commemorate Presidents’ Day: Slapping nearly every single POTUS in the face.

In a now-viral clip, a woman can be seen taking her frustrations out on what appears to be wax figures of our historical Commanders in Chief, (deservedly) backhanding nearly every single one of them as she ran along the border of the star-spangled museum display.

Only one president was spared in her reign of terror — Barack Obama. Upon reaching his place at the end of the lineup, she opted to offer him a hug instead, a decision that proved very controversial on social media.

“Maturing is realizing he deserves a sIap too,” @kirawontmiss captioned a retweet of the clip.

“Obama would’ve got smacked too,” added @_SliimCity.

Meanwhile, @pigeonladybird took a moment to commend the woman’s dedication and precision in giving these POTUS-es a taste of their own medicine. “The speed and determination with which she’s slapping these wax figures is sending me so bad,” they wrote.

Regardless of whether Obama deserved a smack or not, we thank this hero for her service in turning “Hail to the Chief” into “Fist to the Chief.”

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