Kids Very Nearly Get Hit by Passing Truck
- Tell your kids to hold on tighter!
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26 Vintage Brain Surgery Patients
- Back in the day, when they were still figuring it out,...
Trashy Folks Who Deserve a Lifetime Ban from Chuck E...
- The E. stands for entertainment ... and "ew"
Truck Gets Turned to Dust by Oncoming Rental Van
- Hey, you’re not supposed to drive there!
15 Pics of the Big Mac That Hasn't Aged At All in 15...
- Drop the skincare routine.
Slackliners Walk Between Two Hot Air Balloons in...
- It’s impressive. Stupid, but impressive.
Man Shows What His Feet Look Like After Running...
- As if running wasn’t bad enough!
45 Late-Night Cursed Pics to Stay Up With
- If you had a generally pleasant, bright little day,...
20 Headlines Crushing Out Hope for the Future
- "Approximately 50% of Americans read so poorly that...
Behold, the Worst Driver’s Ed Student Ever
- And yet, you know deep down in your heart that...
19 People from Hollywood Share the Most Messed Up...
- Everyone knows that plenty of shady business goes on...
Scuba Divers Freak Out After Lightning Strikes the...
- There’s more danger underwater than just sharks!
30 Unsettling Things Revealed by Microscopes
- Microscopes aren’t talked about enough, because...
Unidentified Flying Objects Have Been Spotted Near...
- Unidentified flying objects have been spotted in the...
34 Pics of People Chilling in Toxic Rivers
- It’s strange, kind of beautiful, and a fun little...
50 Cursed Late-Night Randoms
- This is the ultimate grab bag of cursed images.
37 Terrifying Photos of Mannequins Looking Way Too...
- Mannequins are everywhere and they really shouldn’t...
Spirit Airlines Flight Cancels Landing After Being Hit...
- Yeah, that was probably a good idea.
Paragliders Get Stuck Together While Falling
- This doesn’t look good.
24 Odd Vintage Wearable Inventions
- Although wearable tech has always been a tough nut to...
Raccoon Gets Caught Jerking Off
- Don’t do that in public, raccoon!
This Deployment of Military Robot Dogs Is Straight Out...
- Bye, everyone — it was nice knowing you!
Man Rips a Bunch of License Plates in Half, Which is...
- So *that’s* why no one has license plates anymore.
Cruise Ship Tilts, and Everything Goes Sliding
- Yet another reason to not take a cruise ship.
Ugandan Parliament Breaks Out in All-Out Brawl
- If you think our politics are unhinged, all you need...
22 Service Workers Tell Stories About Their Customer...
- Anyone who has worked in retail will tell you that...
Dude Tries to Rob Store, But Woman Slaps the Gun Out...
- Disarming a gun is pretty hard.
Brazilian Cops Film Themselves Racing and Crashing...
- What else can you do to pass the time on a slow night?
The Monkeys Who Escaped the Testing Lab Have Been...
- Run free, little monkeys! Run free!
27 Telephone Poles That Need a Trim
- Just a little off the top.
Robot Tries to Walk Robot Dog, But Both Can’t Handle...
- Someday, our robot maids will walk our robot dogs.
Man Makes Monster Burrito Out of Hundreds of Other...
- It’s burritos all the way down.
20 People Share the Most Disturbing Thing Their...
- We all know that corporations care more about their...
Tow Trucks Fight Over Who Gets to Tow a Car
- The tow truck game isn’t the most ethical in the...
25 People Having the Absolute Worst Days
- It's important to remember that things could always be...
27 Cringe Tweets That Should Never Have Made it Off...
- You're not all stand-up comedians, philosophers, or...
25 Fails and Facepalms from the Worst People You Know
- According to some sources, North Korean soldiers in...
25 of the Most Hated Reddit Posts of All Time
- In its 19 years of existence, users on Reddit have...
30 Late-Night Pics to Throw a Remote At Your TV
- The world is a weird place to be.
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