Woman Charged After Bragging to a Game Warden on a...
- A female hunter thought it'd be a good idea to brag to...
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Monterey Bay Aquarium Tweet Goes Viral After Backlash
- The Monterey Bay Aquarium posted what a first seemed...
Extremely Good Dog Found Guarding His Burned Down Home...
- Last month the Camp Fire in Northern California...
Romaine Lettuce Could Kill You CDC Tells Country That...
- Do not eat romaine lettuce, the Centers for Disease...
Bigfoot Erotica Author Elected to the US Congress...
- Virginians voted in favor of a Bigfoot "enthusiast"...
Oregon Zoo Shares Some Creepy Animal X-Rays Just in...
- Some interesting and badass looking x-rays during ...
This Man Took Care of an "Orphaned" 9-Foot-Tall,...
- Jim Kowalczik and his wife Susan run the Orphaned...
Selfless Mother Shields Her Baby From Hail Using Her...
- Fiona Simpson got caught in a supercell tornado while...
Shark Attacks TV Presenter Who Thought He Was Casually...
- This is why you don't intentionally swim with a school...
10 Radical Examples Of Animals Being Bros
- 10 different animals. Cowabunga, dude.
7 Nearly-Extinct Animals and the Wine That Pairs Best...
- Humanity must act if we want to save these precious...
Woman Arrives Home To Find Her Dog Riding A Pony
- This Corgi is majestic AF.
This Story About A Pony's Dick Freezing Off Will Warm...
- Richard the pony's penis froze off on account of all...
Wild Turkeys are Attacking Postal Workers in Ohio
- If you live in Ohio, your mailman may be in danger.
Remembering 'Redneck Retriever' The Internet's...
- Golden Bailey passed away in early 2016 and today we...
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