Truck Randomly Explodes As It’s Being Unloaded by...
- Talk about a bad day on the job.
Media articles
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Truck Dumping Gravel Kills Itself, Sends Driver...
- RIP in peace.
Dude Trying to Jump Snow Pile in Car Accidentally...
- Who could’ve expected that (besides everybody...
Watch a Man Fire a Homemade Rocket Launcher
- This is why you don’t use a closed tube for your...
Motorcyclist Gets Knocked Into Tomorrow by Oncoming Car
- He was flying down the road; now he’s flying through...
Woman Narrowly Misses Being Sandwiched Between Two Cars
- Every year, about 1.19 million people die in road...
Man Single-Handedly Takes on Mattress Industry With...
- Every once in a while, a hero emerges.
The Insane Way They Used to Oil Roller Coasters
- Keeping you safe by putting themselves in incredible...
Singer Gets a Face Full of Fire After Standing Right...
- If you can’t handle the heat, get off the stage.
Driver Shows Why You Don’t Speed in the Fog
- You gotta keep it slow if you can’t see.
They’re Rebelling: Humanoid Robot Attacks Woman at...
- This may be the beginning of the end.
Man Tries to Protest Against Restaurant, Ends Up...
- Well…message sent, I guess.
Man Gets Disrobed by Exploding Tire
- At least buy him dinner first.
Live Streamer Records Himself Crashing Into a Car
- Save the live streaming for the home. Or better yet,...
Human-Like Robot Spotted Walking Dog-Like Robot
- This is our future. Our ridiculously stupid future.
Fuel Truck Crashes into Asphalt Truck, Resulting in...
- What else did you expect a truck full of fuel to do?
Gas Explosion Destroys Taiwanese Department Store
- The blast appears to have killed four people and...
Cybertruck Begs for Death, Tries to Kill Its Owner
- Even the truck itself knows it shouldn’t exist.
Here’s What It’s Like to Enter a Black Hole,...
- It doesn’t look fun!
Dude Takes Down a Building by Throwing a Single Rock
- Well…that didn’t take much.
Dude Invents Handheld Wind Turbine That Can De-Ice...
- Earplugs in for this one!
Dude in Smart Car Makes Most Pathetic Parallel Park...
- You have the smallest car imaginable and you’re...
Man Briefly Sets His Entire Head On Fire
- What a scary few seconds.
Watch These Two Guys Learn How Not to Tow a Car
- Well, you got exactly zero parts of that correct....
Amazon Driver Hops Into Front Seat to Stop Car from...
- Did it work? You be the judge!
Person Throws Away Oxygen Cylinder, Causes Trash...
- There’s a reason you’re not supposed to just chuck...
Guy Burns Down Whole Truck in a Matter of Seconds
- Not a good idea to put a fire near flammable things,...
They Invented a Robot That Can Do Parkour
- Why? Why are we doing this?
Dudes Crash Car, Immediately Try to Flee
- I’m just going to take a guess here and say that the...
F-35 Fighter Jet Falls Out of the Sky During Training
- The pilot managed to eject in time.
Trucker Texting While Driving 18-Wheeler Learns Why...
- You should never text and drive, but especially not...
Dude Terrifyingly Chases Down His Ex-Girlfriend With a...
- You’re not gonna win her back acting like that!
This Woman Produces Almost Two Gallons of Breast Milk...
- It looks miserable.
Man Demonstrates Increasingly Larger Fireworks By...
- The bigger the firework, the higher the pan goes.
Careless Driver Splits Two Cyclists Like Bowling Pins
- That’s a spare!
Thinking the App Would Stay Banned, TikTok Influencers...
- We knew it all along.
Here’s What It’s Like to be 'Water Cremated'
- What if instead of burning a body, you boiled it?
Guy Filming the Arrival of His New Audi Also Films Its...
- That really ruins the moment, eh?
Car Rolls Backwards Off Hill and Onto Other Cars
- Good luck scraping the tire tracks off your roof!
Vintage Video Shows People Arguing Against...
- No drinking and driving *and* you have to wear a...
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